Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Compare individual taxpayers

This part of the guide explains how to compare individual taxpayers.

The comparison takes place at the level of the TIN request and therefore the status of the request must be Requires Manual Validation.

Once compared, SIGTAS offers the user the following three validation methods:

  • Return to Center for correction. This option is used when other verifications and updates are required before approving a request;
  • Reject Request - Duplicate. This option indicates that the TIN request was rejected following a manual validation;
  • Approved Request. This option indicates that the TIN request is valid and that no duplicates exist for this taxpayer.

Step 1 - Go to the page Manage TIN Request

  1. Go to the Tax Roll module;
  2. Choose the TIN Request option;
  3. Click the TIN Requests menu. This action opens the Manage TIN Request page (501:7001);

Step 2 - Choose the taxpayer

  1. Go to Criteria section;
  2. Choose the Individual option;
  3. By using the drop-down list choose the status Requires Manual Validation. This action updates the page and displays the list of TIN requests with this Application Status;
  4. Find the TIN requests you wish to compare;
  5. Click on the compare icon belonging to the taxpayer subject to the request. This action opens the Compare Individuals page (501:7005);

Step 3 - Compare Individuals

  1. Go to the Possible Duplicates section;
  2. Find the name of the taxpayer you wish to display;
  3. Click on the Taxpayer Name subject of the comparison (the line becomes grey). This action updates the Selected Possible Duplicate section and displays duplicates between the TIN Application Information and the Selected Possible Duplicate;
  4. Go to the section Applicant Taxpayer Identification Documents;
  5. Comparing duplicates between the Applicant Taxpayer Identification Documents and the Taxpayer Identification Documents;

Step 4 - Compare the photos

  1. Go the the Applicant Taxpayer Photo section`;
  2. Compare the Applicant Taxpayer Photo and the Taxpayer Photo;

Once compared, SIGTAS offers the user the following three validation options:

Return to Center for correction
  1. Click the Return to Center for Correction button (available only when the Application status is Requires Manual Validation). This action opens a pop-up window Confirmation;
  2. Click the Yes button. This action opens the pop-up window Enter a Comment;
  3. Enter a Comment;
  4. Click the Save button. This action confirms the return to center for correction and changes the status to Returned.
Reject the request - duplicate
  1. Click on the Reject Request-Duplicate button (available only when the status of the request is Requires Manual Validation). This action opens a pop-up window Confirmation;
  2. Click the Yes button. This action updates and confirms the rejection of the request and changes the status to Rejected - Duplicate
Approve the request - duplicate
  1. Click the Approved Request button (available only when the request status is Requires Manual Validation). This action opens a pop-up window Confirmation;
  2. Click the Yes button. This actoin updates the approval of the request and changes the status to TIN Allocated.