Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 9801 to 9900

The following table displays error message codes from 9801 to 9900.

Message Code Description
9801 The line total type "Inst Basis" is missing on the form of the previous period. Please contact your system administrator.
9802 This tax account is suspended or initially suspended. No remittance will be printed.
9803 An assessment already exist for the same Tax account, Tax Period and License.
9804 SIGTAS license has been successfully installed.
9805 Wrong license key.
9806 No SIGTAS license has been installed.
9807 Only one representative can be set as C/O.
9808 The start date of the exemption case must be between the start date of the property and the end date of the property.
9809 The planned end date must be greater than the exemption's start date.
9810 The actual end date must be greater than the exemption's start date.
9811 The start date of the exemption case must be between the start date and the end date of the tax rule.
9812 There is already an exemption case %1 with dates that are overlapping.
9813 Do you want to leave this step without saving?
9814 Are you sure you want to leave this step?
9815 There is nothing to save.
9816 The property do not have any property-part associated with that property. The exemption case cannot be created with those dates.
9817 The open date of the exemption case must before or equal than the date of the day.
9818 Invalid character, please reenter this field.
9819 You have successfully completed the online taxpayer registration. Please check your email address for further instructions.Thank You.
9820 The historical data must be provided in order to save this property-part.
9822 The field length for a check digit must be 1.
9823 The total length of a TIN must be lower than or equal to 20.
9824 Assessment %1 was found.
9825 A reverse request has already been initiated. The corresponding transaction number is %1.
9826 Once transferred, no modification allowed. Only manual transaction will be accepted.
9827 The denied comment is required.
9828 The maximum length for this field is %1 characters.
9829 The value of this field must be unique.
9830 The taxpayer has been transferred successfully.
9831 Please update the license. No data has been found.
9832 The update done has been done.
9833 The Section/Unit has been updated successfully.
9834 The tax type must be VAT.
9835 By leaving the "Reports to" field empty, the supervisor's employee won't have the ability to assign tasks to his employee.
9836 Success!
9837 For the same role, you canot have two entries without end dates.
9838 "By changing the priority description, it will be affected throughout the entire Workflow application. Are you sure you want to save this new description?".
9839 The "Effective From" date cannot be before today's date.
9840 The "Effective From" date must be equal or less than the "Effective To" date for this procedure version.
9841 The "Effective To" date of the last confirmed version must be less than the "Effective From" date of the non-confirmed procedure version.
9842 Each task must have one role marked as "Show in Flowchart". Please verify the "Security" tab of the current screen.
9843 The procedure "%1" was successfully imported.
9844 The procedure ID from the file is already used (%1). It cannot be imported.
9845 The role start and the end date cannot overlap.
9846 The start date must be equal or greater than the employee start date.
9847 The role end date must be equal or less than the employee end date.
9848 The employee start date must be equal or less than all assigned role start dates.
9849 No layout has been defined for the letter "%1".
9850 Please select one task as "Initial Task".
9851 The new version "Effective From" date should be greater than the last version "Effective To" date.
9852 The "Effective To" (new version) date must be greater or equal than the "Effective From" (new version) date.
9853 All Unique Identifiers for a Procedure must be unique and can't be selected more than once.
9854 Please fill the previous identifiers before entering any others.
9855 The selected procedure has been imported.
9856 The following status was not used on any of the task results: %1.
9857 No result has been entered below the task.
9858 No role has been entered below the task.
9859 A result under this task calls this current task. The "Default Assignee" should then be "Current User" or "Unassigned".
9860 A result under this task calls this current task but another result should be created and have a different "Next Task" or no task.
9861 The following role assigned to this task has no user assigned to it: %1.
9862 No instruction has been entered below the task.
9863 All existing results, under this procedure, have a next task; this implies that this procedure cannot be completed and closed.
9864 This task is not called by any of the results under this procedure.
9865 More than one result, under this task, has the same result from integrated application.
9866 You cannot delete this "%1" record because it is already in use.
9867 The employee does not exists.
9868 Please select one status as "Initial Status".
9869 The default duration should match the default increment in General Settings screen.
9870 According to the configuration of this procedure, the role of the next employee is not marked as they can complete this task. This task will be unassigned.
9871 According to the configuration of this procedure, the first task should be assigned to your supervisor. Since you are not assigned to any supervisor, this task will be unassigned.
9872 The procedure's ID already exists. For that reason, the application appended "Copy" in the procedure's ID and/or in the procedure description. Please modify those two fields according to your needs from the Maintain Procedures screen.
9873 %1 must be unique.
9874 The procedure deadline must be equal to or greater than the deadline of the last task.
9875 The procedure ID (%1) from the file does not exists in the importation database.
9876 You have exceeded the maximum length allowed.
9877 Please verify file name, file extension must be XML.
9878 The current version of the procedure is not confirmed yet. There can be only one non-confirmed procedure at the time.
9879 An error occured while reading the ".xml" file.
9880 The employee %1 is not allowed to work on this task. Please verify the following in the configuration of the Workflow: his role must be assigned to this task and marked as can 'Execute' the task and his role must be active.
9881 The task deadline must be equal to or less than the deadline of the procedure.
9882 The new version Effective From date and the last version To date should be entered.
9883 The date in this field must be equal to or after %1.
9884 You cannot delete this entity since sub-information exists under this entity.
9885 The 'Reassign' checkbox is selected. Please also select the Pull and/or the Push checkbox to specify if the current user is allowed to either reassign this task to himself (pull) and/or somebody else (push).
9886 You cannot make this automated action type inactive since it is used in a procedure.
9887 A role under this task is marked as "Initiate 1st task" and the task default assignee is "Current User". To be able to assign this task to the "Current User", please mark his role as "Execute the task" on the Security Tab.
9888 Please review all results under this task to have either all results assigned to a "Result from Integrated Application" or all results without it.
9889 Please verify that all action types under this task are active.
9890 At least one role must be marked as "Execute the Task" under this task.
9891 The default assignee employee name does not have the right to complete this task. Please check if his role is active and if this role is marked as can "Execute the Task".
9892 The default assignee, for this task, is "Choose Employee". This choice can only be selected for tasks that can be completed manually (i.e. which does not have any returned "Result from Integrated Application" option assigned to any result).
9893 A holding dependent procedure cannot be linked to a result if this result ends the procedure. See the automated action %1.
9894 An automated action calls a non-effective procedure. This action will not be executed.
9895 The field must be numeric.
9896 The duration must not exceed 10 years.
9897 The task ( %1 ) cannot be imported because it references results that are not included in the actual version of SIGTAS.
9898 The instruction (%1) cannot be imported because it references results that are not included in the actual version of SIGTAS.
9899 The value of this field must be unique?
9900 Please take note that initiation of procedures through automated actions against a result cannot be exported.