Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Close an establishment

This part of the guide explains how to close an establishment.

The following example shows how to close an establishment to a Corporate type of non-individual taxpayer. This procedure is standardized and applies also all the other types of non-individual taxpayers as determined by the tax administration.

Step 1 - Go to the page List of Taxpayers

  1. Go to the Tax Roll module;
  2. Choose the Taxpayers menu. This action opens the List of Taxpayers page (501:9000);

Step 2 - Choose the taxpayer

  1. Go to the Criteria section;
  2. Choose the Enterprise option;
  3. Go to the Enterprise Type column and choose the COROPRATE option;
  4. Find the enterprise you want to close the establishment;
  5. Click on the TIN of the non-individual subject of the request. This action opens the Non-Individual page (501:2012);

Step 3 - Close an establishment

  1. Go to the Establishments section;
  2. Click on the edit icon of the establishment to close. This action opens the Establishment page (501:2001).
  3. Capture the close date in the appropriate field.
  4. Click on the Save button. This action closes the establishment and updates the Non-Individual page (501:2012).