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Documentation | User Guide

Setting up Specific Penalty and Interest - Configuration Details

This page displays configuration details of setting up specific penalty and interest, such as Penalty Types and Penalty Rates.

Penalty Type

Screen Name Page
Penalty Types 509:15091
Type Name Details
Field No The number automatically generated by SIGTAS to each penalty type created.
Display only.
Field Penalty Type Free text allowing the user to specify the penalty type.
Creation Mode: Field always enabled, manually captured.
Update Mode:
The first fifty values are fixed (hardcoded) so the field is disabled. Otherwise it is enabled and modifiable.
A click on the dynamic icon redirects the user to the page Translation (509:50000) to add/modify the translation of the Penalty Type in the languages defined by the rule 88 «LANGUAGES_TO_DISPLAY» in the page General Rules (509:3030).
Validation rules:
The penalty type should be unique, otherwise, the error message is generated - 2161 “Row already exists with same penalty type name.”
Field Description Free text allowing the user to enter a brief description of the penalty type.
A click on the dynamic icon redirects the user to the page Translation (509:50000) to add/modify the translation of the Penalty Description in the languages defined by the rule 88 «LANGUAGES_TO_DISPLAY» in the page General Rules (509:3030).
Checkbox Use in Calc. Flagging this checkbox indicates that this penalty type is integrated in the assessment calculation as soon as the due date of the tax is exceeded.
Validation rules:
Manual penalties (checkbox All Manual selected) should not have this check box selected. Otherwise, the error message is generated - 8410 «"ou must not check both "Use In Calc" and "All Manual" at the same time."
Checkbox All Manual By flagging this checkbox, the user can enter the penalty amount manually..
If the penalty is all manual, then the user enters the penalty rate manually in the required field to capture specific penalty rules in the pages Assessment (502:2005) and Immediate Assessment (502:4001).
Checkbox For instalment Used for Instalment penalty types. Flagging this checkbox indicates that this penalty type is integrated in the assessment calculation as soon as the due date of the instalment is exceeded.

Penalty Rate

Screen Name Page
Penalty Rates 509:15771
Type Name Details
Field Penalty Type Specifies the type of penalty on which the rate will be applied.
LOV available from the List of Penalty Types (509:15090) screen.
Validation rules:
(1) If Penalty Type = ‘Instalment Penalty’ and When to Apply = ’ONCE’ then Installment Underestimation Penalty is enabled. Otherwise it is disabled.
(2) If Penalty Type = ‘Instalment Penalty’ and Where to Apply = ‘Specific Formula’ then Where to Apply is unchecked.
(3) If Penalty Type = ‘Late/Non-Filing’ then Penalty applied on initial assessment (Late Filing) is enabled, otherwise it is disabled and unchecked.
(4)If Penalty Type = ‘Late Payment’ then - Nil/Creditor Flat Fee is disabled and unchecked, otherwise it is enabled or - Delayed by Late Filing Pen. is checked, otherwise it is unchecked
(5) If Penalty Type = ‘Reassessment’ then Apply a penalty for VAT credits is enabled, otherwise it is disabled and unchecked.
Field Penalty Description The name of the penalty rule.
Manually captured
Validation rules:
If no description has been captured, then it contains the Penalty Type description.
Field Penalty Rate The percentage to be applied as penalty rate.
If a penalty is a fixed amount rather than a percentage, then the amount must be entered in the Minimum/Amount field and the Penalty Rate field must be set to 0.
Enabled and mandatory only If the checkbox All Manual in the Penalty Type page (509:15091), is unchecked.
Manually captured.
Validation rules:
If Penalty multiplied by number of months being late is checked, then Penalty Rate should be = 0, otherwise the error message - 30522 is raised.
Default value: 0.
Field When to Apply Indicates the penalty frequency at which the penalty is applied.
A LOV is available from the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = "WHEN TO APPLY PENALTY".
Validation rules:
(1) Enabled only If the checkbox All Manual, in the Penalty Type page (509:15091), is unchecked.
(2) When using manual penalties (If the checkbox All Manual, in the Penalty Type page (509:15091), is checked), then the field When to Apply is automatically set to “INTERMITTENT” and disabled.
(3) If Penalty multiplied by number of months being late is checked, then When to Apply should be = "ONCE", otherwise the error message - 30522 is raised.
(4) If When to Apply is other than "ONCE" then Installment Underestimation Penalty flag is automatically disabled.
(5) If Apply a penalty for VAT credits is checked then When to Apply should be = "ONCE", otherwise the error message - 30460 is raised "For a penalty with the flag “Apply a penalty for VAT credits" checked, this value is required: “When to Apply = once".’
Field Where to Apply Indicates the type of basis on which the penalty rate will be applied.
A LOV is available from the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = ‘WHERE TO APPLY PENALTY’.
Validation rules:
(1) Where to Apply = "Specific Formula" cannot be used with penalties of type "Instalment Penalty."
(2) If Apply a penalty for VAT credits is checked then Where to Apply should be = "LINE TOTAL TYPE”, otherwise the error message - 30460 is raised "For a penalty with the flag “Apply a penalty for VAT credits" checked, this value is required: “Where to Apply = LINE TOTAL TYPE".
(3) If When to Apply = "ONCE" and Maximum Type = "Amount" then Where to Apply should be null, otherwise the error message - 2208 is raised “This where to apply does not exist”.
Mandatory if When to Apply is other than "ONCE" and Maximum Type is not equal to "Amount".
Note: when the value “Line Total Type” (LTT) is selected, the amount on which the penalty rate will be applied depends on the status of the following fields: Difference, %, and Penalty applied on difference with original Assessment.
Field Nil/Creditor Flat Fee Allows the user to enter a flat amount that will be applied if the total tax to pay amount is null.
The total tax to pay may be null when the assessment has not been processed yet.If the total tax to pay amount is not null, then the amount of penalties will be calculated as follows: the penalty rate * the value of the field Where to Apply, including the minimum amount (if a fixed amount is applied).
The amount captured in this field will be applied only if the calculated penalty is null.
If “0” is entered and a minimum penalty is configured, then the amount applied on nil/creditor assessments is “0” (NULL is not equal to 0) instead of the minimum amount (if any).
Manually captured.
Validation rules:
(1) If Penalty multiplied by number of months being late is checked, then Minimum Amount or Nil/Creditor Flat Fee should be >0, otherwise the error message - 30522 is raised.
(2) This field is disabled and unchecked for late-payment penalty types.
Field Minimum Amount Represents the minimum fixed amount for the penalty. It must be entered as a figure.
Manually captured.
Validation rules:
(1) If Penalty multiplied by number of months being late is checked, then Minimum Amount or Nil/Creditor Flat Fee should be >0, otherwise the error message - 30522 is raised.
(2) Disabled when using manual penalties.
Default value: 0.
Field Basis for Min.% If the minimum is not a fixed amount, but it is rather based on a percentage, this field specifies the calculation base for this minimum.
A LOV is available from the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = ‘WHERE TO APPLY PENALTY’.
Validation rules:
(1) Disabled when using manual penalties.
(2) This field should be null if Minimum Amount is null, otherwise the error message - 5160 “Basis for min. % must have a value when, and only when, minimum % has it.” is raised.
Field Minimum % The percentage rate to be used for the minimum penalty. The minimum is calculated using the amount specified in the field Basis for Min. % (LV).
This field is disabled when using manual penalties
Manually captured.
Field Maximum Indicates a maximum value (a rate, or a fixed amount or number of months) based on the selection in the Maximum Type field.
Manually captured.
Validation rules:
(1) Disabled when using manual penalties.
(2) IF Maximum Type is not null then Maximum or First Month Max. Amt should have some value, otherwise the error message - 8241 “You must enter 'First Month Max. Amt' or 'Maximum' when you enter a 'Maximum Type'.” is raised.
(3) If Maximum is not null while Maximum Type is null, then the error message - 8242 “You must enter 'Maximum Type' when you enter 'First Month Max. Amt' or 'Maximum’.” is raised.
Field First Month Max. Amt. Specifies the maximum amount to be charged for the first month.
For example, if you want to charge a maximum of 100,000 USD, but a maximum of 10,000 for the first month, you have to enter 100,000 in the Maximum field, select Amount in the Maximum Type field and then enter 10,000 in the First Month Max. Amt. field.
Manually captured.
Validation rules:
(1) Disabled when using manual penalties.
(2) If Maximum Type is not null then Maximum or First Month Max. Amt should have some value, otherwise the error message - 8241 “You must enter 'First Month Max. Amt' or 'Maximum' when you enter a 'Maximum Type'.” is raised.
(3) If First Month Max. Amt is not while Maximum Type is null, then the error message - 8242 “You must enter 'Maximum Type' when you enter 'First Month Max. Amt' or 'Maximum’.” is raised.
Field Maximum Type You may select either percentage, or amount or number of months. To be used in association with the fields Maximum and First Month Max. Amt.
For example, if you want to charge a maximum of 5% of the original tax to pay, you have to enter 5 in the Maximum field and select Percent in the Maximum Type field.
A LOV is available from the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = ‘PENALTY MAXIMUM TYPE’.
Validation rules:
(1) Disabled when using manual penalties.
(2) If Maximum Type is not null then Maximum or First Month Max. Amt should have some value, otherwise the error message - 8241 “You must enter 'First Month Max. Amt' or 'Maximum' when you enter a 'Maximum Type'.” is raised. (3) If Maximum is not or First Month Max. Amt is not while Maximum Type is null, then the error message - 8242 “You must enter 'Maximum Type' when you enter 'First Month Max. Amt' or 'Maximum’.” is raised.
Field Truncation Type Specifies whether the amount of penalty must be rounded or truncated.
A LOV is available for selection.
Possible values:VRound, Truncate or Null.
Disabled when using manual penalties.
Field Truncation Level Specifies the level of truncation (how many decimals to be used for truncation) once the ‘Truncate’ is selected in the Truncation Type field.
Truncation level positive will be applied on decimals. Truncation level negative will be applied on integer part. If truncation level = 0 then no decimal will be considered.
Possible values:
-1, -2, -3, 0, 1, 2 and null.
Truncation level = 3 means then the number 12.12354 will be considered as 12.123.
Truncation level = 2 means then the number 12.12754 will be considered as 12.13.
Truncation level = 1 means then the number 12.18754 will be considered as 12.2.
Truncation level = 0 means the number 12.12354 will be considered 12.
Truncation level = -1 means the number 12.12354 will be considered 10.
Truncation level = -2 means the number 162.12354 will be considered 20.
Validation rules:
(1).Disabled when using manual penalties.
(2).Automatically reset to 0 if Truncation Type is null.
Field Line Total Type This field is used in conjunction with the Where to Apply field in the following way: if you select the value Line Total Type in the Where to Apply field, an LOV is made available for the Line Total Type field. The value selected from this LOV is the identifier for the line on which the penalty calculation program will base the penalty calculation.
The LOV for the Line Total Type field is provided by the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = ‘LINE TOTAL TYPE’.
Validation rules:
(1) Enabled only if Where to Apply =’LINE TOTAL TYPE’, otherwise it is disabled and reset to null.
(2) If Apply a penalty for VAT credits is checked then the value ‘Month Net Vat Credit – Creates Txn’ should be selected in this field (Line Total Type), otherwise an error message -30460 is raised ‘For a penalty with the flag “Apply a penalty for VAT credits" checked, this value is required: “Line Total Type= Month Net Vat Credit – Creates Txn ".’
Field Taxpayer Type This field allows selecting the type of taxpayer to which the penalty will be applied, such as “Individual”, “Enterprise”, etc.
A LOV is available from the List of Taxpayer Types (509:15000) page.
Disabled when using manual penalties.
Checkbox Difference This check box is used only if the value “Line Total Type” (LTT) has been selected in the field Where to Apply.
The status of this check box determines on which amount the penalty will be applied:
(1) If not selected, the penalty will be charged on the LTT amount of the assessment.
(2) If selected, the amount on which the penalty will be applied depends on the status of the check box Penalty applied on difference with original Assessment as described in this table.
Validation rules:
(1) Enabled only if Where to Apply =’LINE TOTAL TYPE’.
(2) Automatically checked/unchecked depending on the value of the field ‘%’. If ‘%’ > 0 then the Difference is checked otherwise it is unchecked.
(3) This flag cannot be selected at the same time as the checkbox Penalty applied on initial assessment (Late Filing), otherwise an error message - 30272 is raised ‘The check boxes "Difference" and "Penalty applied on initial assessment (Late Filing)" cannot be both selected.’
Field % Specifies that the penalty will be charged only if the difference between the original assessment and the reassessment amount is greater than the value captured in the field ‘%’ multiplied by the calculated LTT amount (selected in the field Where to Apply).
For example, if you want to charge the penalty if the tax charge difference between the original and the new assessment is greater than 5%, then you select the Difference check box and you enter 5 in the ‘%’. field.
Manually captured.
Validation rules:
)1) Disabled when using manual penalties.
(2) If a positive value is entered in the field ‘%’ then the flag Difference is automatically checked.
Default value: 0.
Checkbox Charge to Reassessment If selected, and there is a reassessment, this penalty is carried to the reassessment.
Validation rules:
If checked then Penalty Not Applied if Reass. is Revised by Taxpayer is automatically enabled, otherwise it is disabled and unchecked.
Checkbox Apply a penalty for VAT credits If selected, apply this penalty on the reduction or cancellation of VAT credit.
Validation rules:
(1) If Penalty Type = ‘Reassessment’ then this flag is enabled, otherwise it is disabled and unchecked.
(2) If checked then:
--- The field Line Total Type should contain the value ‘Month Net Vat Credit – Creates Txn’, otherwise an error message is raised -30460 ‘For a penalty with the flag “Apply a penalty for VAT credits" checked, this value is required: “Line Total Type= Month Net Vat Credit – Creates Txn".’
--- The field Where to Apply should be = ‘’LINE TOTAL TYPE”, otherwise the error message - 30460 is raised ‘For a penalty with the flag “Apply a penalty for VAT credits" checked, this value is required: “Where to Apply = LINE TOTAL TYPE" ‘.
(3) The field When to Apply should be = ‘ONCE”, otherwise an error message is raised -30460 ‘For a penalty with the flag “Apply a penalty for VAT credits" checked, this value is required: “When to Apply = once".’
Checkbox Consolidated Penalty Selected check box indicates that consolidated forms (more than one tax type on the same form) are used. Consequently, a penalty is charged only once rather than once for each tax type on the form.
Disabled when using manual penalties.
Field Charge To Estim. Asses. Specifies for each penalty whether this penalty is applicable (“Yes”) to an estimated assessment or not (“No”).
Disabled and unchecked when using manual penalties.
Field Penalty not Applied if Reass. is Revised by Taxpayer Flagging this checkbox indicates that the reassessment penalty should not be automatically charged for a reassessment made by a taxpayer (the Reassessment Source = ‘Revised by Taxpayer’ in the page Capture Reassessment (502:2003).
Validation rules:
(1) Disabled when using manual penalties and Charge to Reassessment is not checked.
(2) Enabled if Charge to Reassessment is checked.
Checkbox Apply Penalties on Public Holidays A selected check box indicates that the penalties must be applied even if the date is identified as a holiday.
In case of interest, then the penalty application will be skipped. Otherwise, the penalty application will be moved to the next or previous business day based on the setup of the field Move Due Date of the page Specific Rules (509:2230).
Disabled when using manual penalties.
Checkbox Penalty applied on difference with original Assessment The status of this check box determines on which amount the penalty will be applied:
If selected, the penalty will be applied on the difference amount between the LTT amount of the most recent reassessment and the LTT amount of the original assessment;
If not selected, the penalty will be applied on the difference amount between the LTT amount of the most recent reassessment and the LTT amount of the assessment that immediately precedes it.
Validation rules:
(1) This checkbox is disabled when using manual penalties.
(2) It can be selected only if the Charge to Reassessment and the Difference check boxes are selected; and the value “Line Total Type” (LTT) has been selected in the field Where to Apply, otherwise it is disabled and unchecked.
Checkbox Charge even if Zero If selected, the penalty is charged even if there is no amount owing.
Disabled when using manual penalties.
Checkbox Appy Penalties on Weekends A selected check box indicates that the penalties must be applied even if the day is identified as a weekend.
In case of interest, then the penalty application will be skipped. Otherwise, the penalty application will be moved to the next or previous business day based on the setup of the field Move Due Date of the page Specific Rules (509:2230).
Disabled when using manual penalties.
Chcekbox Delayed by Late Filing Pen A selected check box indicates that this penalty will apply after the “Late/Non-Filing” penalty has been applied.
A deselected check box indicates that this penalty maybe applied simultaneously with the “Late/Non-Filing” penalty.
Validation rules:
(1) Disabled when using manual penalties.
(2) If Penalty Type = ‘Late Payment’ then this flag is checked, otherwise it is unchecked.
Checkbox Use Day Scale If selected, the “day” portion of the Penalty Scale Rates tab will be used instead of the “month” portion.
Validation rules:
(1) Disabled when using manual penalties.
(2) For automatic penalties it is enable only if no Penalty Scale Rate has been created in the Penalty Scale Rates tab.
Checkbox Instalment Underestimation Penalty Designates a penalty that will be applied as part of the installment calculation process. If the amount paid against the installments is lower than the result of the calculation, an underestimation penalty will be applied.
The amount will be equal to the lesser of:
Underestimation Penalty Rate (%) x (original amount - estimate); and
Underestimation Penalty Rate (%) x (actual amount - estimate).
Validation rules:
Enabled only if Penalty Type = ‘Instalment Penalty’ and When to Apply = ’ONCE’, otherwise it is disabled and unchecked.
Checkbox Appply during Objection A selected check box indicates that the penalties must be applied on the liability even if the liability is under objection.
A deselected check box indicates that the penalty application is suspended during the period of the objection, if any. Penalties will be applied retroactively if the objection result is a loss for the taxpayer (e.g. no or partial reduction of the liability leading to the penalty.
Checkbox Display in Assess. Notice Flagging this checkbox indicates that this penalty will be displayed on the assessment notice.
Checkbox Calculated penalty amount cannot be changed If a penalty has this flag checked, then the calculated penalty amount cannot be changed under any circumstances when reassessing - i.e. once an assessment notice has been printed.
When changing this flag, consider also the Penalty applied if no other penalty of same type already applied flag.
Checkbox Always Apply during Payment Agreement A selected check box indicates that the penalty is applied on the liability even if the liability is under a payment agreement and the user is waiving penalties.
A deselected check box indicates that the penalty application is suspended during the period of the payment agreement. Penalties will be applied retroactively if the payment agreement is cancelled.
Checkbox Penalty multiplied by number of months being late If selected, then the fixed penalty amount (MINIMUM or NIL_CREDITOR) will be multiplied by the number of months that the declaration was filed late. Eg. If MINIMUM=300 and the declaration is 4 months late, then the one-time penalty charge is 1,200 (300 * 4).
Validation rules:
If checked, then Penalty Rate should be = 0 and When to Apply should be = ‘ONCE’ and, either Minimum Amount or Nil/Creditor Flat Fee, should be >0, otherwise the error message - 30522 is raised.
Checkbox Penalty applied if no other penalty of same type already applied If checked, then apply this penalty only if there are no other active penalties (different PEN_NO and transactions not reversed) already charged for the same tax account, tax period, and penalty type.
Checkbox Penalty applied on initial assessment (Late Filing) Validation rules:
(1) Enabled only if Penalty Type = ‘Late/Non-Filing’, otherwise it is disabled and unchecked.
(2) This flag cannot be selected at the same time as the checkbox Difference, otherwise an error message is raised -30272 ‘The check boxes "Difference" and "Penalty applied on initial assessment (Late Filing)" cannot be both selected.’
Checkbox Calculate after printing a letter If checked, then once the letter is generated the penalty is applied.
Validation rules:
(1) If checked, then the fields Letter Title and Calculation delay (in days) are enabled, otherwise they are disabled and unchecked.
(2) If checked, then the field Letter Title should have some value, otherwise error message 30260 is raised.
Field Letter Title Title of the letter used to indicate from which date the penalty is applied; use the printing date of that letter.
A LOV is available from the page List of Letters and Reminders (509:15680).
This is field is enabled only if the flag Calculate after printing a letter is selected, otherwise it is disabled and unchecked.
Field Calculation delay (in days) Number of days of delay application of penalty after the letter printing.
Manually captured
Enabled only if the flag Calculate after printing a letter is selected, otherwise it is disabled and reset to null.
Tab Violation Scale Rates This tab is active only for an automatic penalty type.
This tab is used to set the penalty rates by the number of penalty transactions.
The number of violations is the total of all penalties that a taxpayer has carried out for a given tax type and with the same penalty created in a number of months captured in the field 'Within nb. of months', before the calculation date.
Button Save Saves the Penalty Rate information, keeps the user in the page Penalty Rate (509:15771) and eventually enables the tabs depending on conditions mentioned earlier.
Button Save and Create Saves the Penalty Rate information and allows the user to capture a new Penalty Rate.
Button Delete Displayed only while updating an existing Penalty Rate.
Validation rules:
(1) If this Penalty Rate has matching details or a linked Tax Type, then an error message is generated - 6961 “Cannot delete Penalty record while dependent %2 record exists.” -%2: Penalty Scales Rate or Turnover Scale Rate or Violation Scale Rate or Tax Type.
(2) If a transaction has been created based on this penalty rate, then the error message - 6961 is generated - %2: TAX SUB TRANS.

Penalty Rate - Penalty Scale Rates Tab

Type Name Details
Field Start Day Identifies the first day of the time interval during which this rate starts being applied.
Field End Day Identifies the last day of the time interval during which this rate stops being applied.
Field Start Month Identifies the first month of the time interval during which this rate starts being applied.
Field End Month Identifies the last month of the time interval during which this rate stops being applied.
Field Rate % The percentage to be charged in penalties.
Button Create A click on this button displays the popup window Penalty Scale Rate (509:15772) allowing the user to add a new Penalty Scale Rate to the current Penalty Rate.

Penalty Scale Rate popup window

Screen Name Page
Penalty Scale Rate popup window 509:15772
Type Name Details
Field Start Day Identifies the first day of the time interval during which this rate starts being applied.
Validation rules:
(1) This field can be used only if the Use Day Scale check box of the upper section is selected.
(2) Start Day should be <= End Day, otherwise an error message is raised - 7156 “End Date must be greater than or equal to Start Date.”
Manually captured.
Field End Day Identifies the last day of the time interval during which this rate stops being applied.
Note: This field can be used only if the Use Day Scale checkbox of the upper section is selected.
Manually captured.
Field Start Month Identifies the first month of the time interval during which this rate starts being applied.
Note: This field can be used only if the Use Day Scale checkbox of the upper section is deselected.
Manually captured.
Field End Month Identifies the last month of the time interval during which this rate stops being applied.
Validation rules:
This field can be used only if the Use Day Scale checkbox of the upper section is deselected.
Start Month should be <= End Month, otherwise an error message is raised - 7156 “End Month must be greater than or equal to Start Month.”
Manually captured.
Field Rate % The percentage to be charged in penalties.
Manually captured
Button Save Saves the Penalty Scale Rate information, closes the Penalty Scale Rate window and redirects the user to the Penalty Rate page which will be refreshed with the new line.
Validation rules:
(1) If Start Day and Start Month are both null, then the error message - 9179 “At least " Start Day" or " Start Month" must be entered.” is raised.
(2) If a day or a month range overlaps with an existing one, then an error message is raised - 6454 “This record overlaps with an existing record.”
Button Save and Create Saves the Penalty Scale Rate information and keeps the user on the same window in order to be able to capture a new Penalty Scale Rate.Same validation rules as Save button.
Button Delete Displayed only while updating an existing Penalty Scale Rate.

Penalty Rate - Turnover Scale Rates Tab

Type Name Details
Field Turnover Start The initial amount of turnover.
Field Turtnover End The final amount of turnover. It must be higher than the initial amount.
Field Taxpayer Size Size of the penalty taxpayer.
Field Amount (Rate) The fixed rate (amount) of penalty to be used in association with the turnover of the enterprise.
Button Create A click on this button displays the Popup window Turnover Scale Rate (509:15773) allowing the user to set new Turnover Scale Rates.

Turnover Scale Rate popup window

Screen Name Page
Turnover Scale Rate popup window 509:15773
Type Name Details
Field Turnover Start The initial amount of turnover.
Manually captured.
Field Turnover End The final amount of turnover. It must be higher than the initial amount.
Manually captured.
Field Amount The fixed rate (amount) of penalty to be used in association with the turnover of the enterprise.
Manually captured.
Default value: 0.
Field Taxpayer Size Allows configuring a penalty with respect to the taxpayer’s size.
A LOV is available from the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = ‘TAXPAYER SIZE’. This LOV also contains the value “Null”. If selected, then the interval of turnovers will be applied to all taxpayers.
Manually captured.
Default value: NULL.
Button Save Saves the Turnover Scale Rate information, closes the Turnover Scale Rate window and redirects the user to the Penalty Rate page which will be refreshed with the new line.
Validation rules:
(1) If Turnover Start >= Turnover End, then the error message - 3524 “Turnover Start cannot be equal or greater than Turnover End.” is raised.
(2) If a turnover range overlaps with an existing one, then an error message - 6045 is raised “Turnover amount range overlaps.”
Button Save and Create Saves the Turnover Scale Rate information and keeps the user on the same window in order to be able to capture a new Turnover Scale Rate. Same validation rules as Save button.
Button Delete Displayed only while updating an existing Turnover Scale Rate.

Penalty Rate - Violation Scale Rates Tab

Type Name Details
Field Within No of Months The number of months to consider retroactively for an existing penalty.
Field No of Violations Start The number of violations occurred during the first month (start of the interval).
Field No of Violations End The number of violations occurred during the last month (end of the interval).
Field Multiply Rate by The number of times by which the rate will be multiplied according to the number of violations within the interval.
Button Create A click on this button displays the Popup window Violation Scale Rate (509:15774) allowing the user to set new Violation Scale Rates.

Violation Scale Rate popup window

Screen Name Page
Violation Scale Rate popup window 509:15774
Type Name Details
Field Within No of Months The number of months to consider retroactively for an existing penalty.
Manually captured.
Field No of Violations Start The number of violations occurred during the first month (start of the interval).
Manually captured.
Field No of Violations End The number of violations occurred during the last month (end of the interval).
Manually captured.
Field Multiply Rate by The number of times by which the rate will be multiplied according to the number of violations within the interval.
Manually captured.
Button Save Saves the Violation Scale Rate information, closes the Violation Scale Rate window and redirects the user to the Penalty Rate page which will be refreshed with the new line.
Validation rules:
(1) If No of Violations Start >= No of Violations End, then the error message - 7156 is raised “No of Violations Start must be greater than or equal to No of Violations End.”
(2) If violation range overlaps with an existing one, then the error message - 6045 is raised “Subsequent violation range overlaps.”
Button Save and Create Saves the Violation Scale Rate information and keeps the user on the same window in order to be able to capture a new Rate. Same validation rules as Save button.
Button Delete Displayed only while updating an existing Violation Scale Rate.