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Accessing SIGTAS
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Notices and warnings
Navigating in SIGTAS
Required fields
Searching in SIGTAS
SIGTAS Home page
SIGTAS menus
Classical reports
Interactive reports
Choose the format of your report
Determining number of rows to display
Download your reports
Save your report
Using a filter
Tax Roll Module
Individual Taxpayers
Add bank details to an individual taxpayer
Add employment and property rights to an individual taxpayer
Add family information to an individual taxpayer
Add fiscal information to an individual taxpayer
Add an activity to an individual taxpayer
Display individual taxpayers' assets
Link a representative to an individual taxpayer
Print a duplicate of a registration card
Apply a close/decease date to a taxpayer
Add a photo to an individual taxpayer
Non-Individual (Enterprise) Taxpayers
Add an activity and a license to a non-individual taxpayer
Add bank details to a non-individual taxpayer
Add an employee to a non-individual taxpayer
Add an establishment to a non-individual taxpayer
Add fiscal information to a non-individual taxpayer
Add shares and ownership to a non-individual taxpayer
Display the assets of a non-individual taxpayer
Link a contact and a representative to a non-individual taxpayer
Print non-individual taxpayer (enterprise) details
Add a certificate investment to a non-individual taxpayer
Add an administration board to a non-individual taxpayer
Add a legal representative to a non-individual taxpayer
Add a fiscal council member
Add a secretary member to a non-individual
Close an establishment
Ajouter une photo à un contribuable personne morale (entreprise)
Individual Enterprises
Add a contact to an individual enterprise
Add a license to an individual enterprise
Add an activity to an individual enterprise
Add an employee to an individual enterprise
Add an establishment to an individual enterprise
Add an individual enterprise to an individual taxpayer
TIN Request
Display TIN requests
Compare individual taxpayers
Compare non-individual taxpayers
Enrol a non-individual taxpayer
Enrol an individual taxpayer
Unregistered Individual Taxpayer
Create an unregistered individual taxpayer
Apply for a certificate
Bypass a failed validation
Revoke a certificate
Print a certificate
Register a certificate application form
Taxpayer Statistics
Display taxpayers' statistics
Tax Account Module
Tax Account
Add a license to a tax account
Add an establishment to a tax account
Add an imposition base to a tax account
Add an inactivity period to a tax account
Add an instalment to a tax account
Add a taxable object to a tax account
Close a tax account
Create a tax account
Deactivate taxpayer's tax accounts
Display taxpayer's accounts
Display taxpayer's transactions
Link a representative to a tax account
Print a tax account statement
Print consolidated tax account statements
Reset a carry-forward
Reverse the reset of a carry-forward
Modify a loss entry
Create a carry-forward
Inactivity Periods
Approve an inactivity period case
Display inactivity period cases
Link a document to an inactivity period case
Reject an inactivity period case
Manual and Transfer Transactions
Approve a transaction
Cancel a transaction
Change the status of a transaction to In Progress
Create a manual transaction
Create a transfer transaction
Link an approval document to a transaction
Preauthorize a transaction
Print a tax administration form
Reject a transaction
Opening Balance References
Approve a manual opening balance reference
Create a manual opening balance reference
Reject a manual opening balance reference
Documents in Batch
Create and print account statements in batch
Transfer of Taxpayers
Print a tax account transfer history
Transfer a tax account
Transfer of a taxpayer before disabling a tax division
Link a document to a tax account adjustment
Adjust a taxpayer due date
Approve an adjustment
Assessment Module
Add a penalty
Approve an assessment
Calculate an assessment
Create a reassessment
Display assessments
Display assessment lines
Link a document to an assessment
Modify a tax schedule
Print an assessment
Reverse a penalty
Approve an installment amount
Calculate assessments in batch
Calculate immediate assessments in batch
Capture a remittance in the document mode
Capture a remittance in the simplified mode
Capture an estimated assessment
Create a building tenant
Create a fiscal roll
Create a batch
Create estimated installment amounts
Create immediate assessments in batch
Discard an estimated installment amount
Display building tenants
Display online reporting errors
Display updated assessments
Generate assessment notices in batch
Print an installment amount notice
Print consolidated assessments or immediate assessment notices
Process assessments in batch
Process immediate assessments in batch
Reject an installment amount
Process reassessments in batch
Reactivate remittances in batch
Taxpayer Documents
Print an installment notice
Print a remittance form
Print an immediate assessment notice
Create an immediate assessment notice
Documents in batch
Change the status of a document
Print assessment notices in batch
Print installment notices in batch
Print remittances in batch
Create remittances in batch
Exonerated and Suspended Projects
Approve a project
Block a project
Create a project
Link a document to a project
Register an invoice for a foreign purchase
Register an invoice for a local purchase
Reject an invoice of a foreign purchase
Reject an invoice for a local purchase
Display statistics on assessments with remittances
Displays statistics on remittances
Cashing Module
Print a copy of a payment receipt
Capture a payment using multiple documents
Capture an express payment
Capture a payment
Display payments
Reverse a payment
Payment Vouchers
Capture a payment voucher
Display payment vouchers
Daily Collected Denomination
Create a daily collected denomination
Display daily collected denominations
Display ePayments
Print a receipt
Taxpayer balance
Display a taxpayer balance
Split Tax Type Payment
Display split tax type payments
Docs & Files Module
Add an attachment to a document
Change the print status of a document
Display documents
Print document details
Print document stickers
Register a document
Add a document to a file
Borrow a file
Borrow a previously reserved file
Display files
Register a file
Print file stickers
Reserve a file
Return a file
Letters & Reminders Module
Recovery Orders
Display recovery orders
Print recovery orders
Documents for a Taxpayer
Print taxpayer's letter or reminder
Documents in Batch
Change the printing status
Print letters and reminders in batch
Create letters and reminders in batch
Audit Module
Audit Cases
Add a classification element to an audit case
Add a result to an audit case
Add a step to an audit case
Add a time sheet to an audit case
Create an audit case
Create an audit group
Display an audit case
Display an audit group
Link an agent to an audit case
Print a time sheet
Print an audit case
Print letters and reminders
Raise a reassessment within an audit case
Assign a tax type to an audit case
De-assign a tax type from an audit case
Audit Risk
Calculate taxpayer audit risk
Display automatic calculation of taxpayers audit risk scores
Audit Planning
Create an audit plan
Display audit plans
Audit Program
Approve an audit program
Approve a taxpayer to an audit program
Create an audit program
Display audit programs
Print an audit program
Objection Module
Objection cases
Add a step to an objection case
Add an officer to an objection case
Approve the step of an objection case
Close a step associated to an objection case
Create an objection case
Display an objection case
Print an objection case
Collection Module
Collection Cases
Add a step to a collection case
Add an agent to a collection case
Add an officer to a collection case
Display the payment agreement associated with a collection case
Display collection cases
Add a contact to a collection case
Add a tax lien to a collection case
Create a collection case
Refund Module
Approve a refund
Change the status of a refund request
Display refund requests
Reverse a refund request
Register a refund
Reject a refund request
Transfer a refund request
Pre-authorize a refund request
Approve a CDD certificate
Pay off a CDD certificate
Split a CDD certificate
Management Report Module
Cross-checking Module
Data Loading
Display loading data history
Load data
Dashboard Module
Display dashboard: Collection Case Steps
Display dashboard: Defaulters
Display dashboard: Enterprises - Audit on the Basis of Documents
Display dashboard: Individuals - Audit on the Basis of Documents
Display dashboard: Objection Requests
Display dashboard: Reassessments By Reason and Activity Sector
Interface Module
Display bank transactions history
Display bank statement
Display bank transactions
Confirm bank statement
Correct a bank transaction
Add a bank statement
Print collection receipts
Transfer a transaction in error
Transfer bank statement
Display the imported withholdings transfer status
Upload withholding data
Display withholdings data loaded summary
Data Loading
Display bank payments summary
Display the loaded commerce registration
Print a commercial registration
Upload commercial registration data
Upload bank payments data
Contract Management Module
Markets and Public Contracts
Display a public contract
Create a public contract
Payment in Kind Contracts
Display payment in kind contracts
Print a payment in kind contract
Discard a payment in kind contract
Create a payment in kind contract
Management Module
Batch Job Queue
Display batch job queue
Delete a batch job queue
Non-individual enterprise to an individual
Transform a non individual entreprise to an individual
Property Tax Module
Display Properties
Add an exemption to a property
Add a history to a property
Add a value to a property
Add an owner to a property
Add an occupant to a property
Add a representative to a property
Create a property
Transfer a property
Demand notices
Display demand notices
Create a demand notice
Print a demand notice
Afficher les baux d'état
Prolonger un bail d'état
Government Leases
Display government leases
Extend a government lease
Private Leases
Display private lease
Extend a private lease
Tax Laws
Display property tax laws
Add a rule to a property tax law
Create a property tax law
Aspect Types
Display a property aspect type
Add details to a property aspect type
Create a property aspect type
Plans and Surveys
Display property plans and surveys
Add an aspect to a property plan and survey
Add a descriptive sheet to a property plan and survey
Add an image to a property plan and survey
Create a property plan and survey
Display property tax aspects
Create a property tax aspect
Tax Rules
Display property tax rules
Create a property tax rule
Tax Rates
Display property tax rates
Add details to a property tax rate
Create a property tax rate
Substantiating Documents
Create a substantiating document
Property parts
Display details of a property-part
Add a building to a property-part
Add a history to a property-part
Add an occupant to a property-part
Add a parent property-parts
Add a property to a property-part
Assign a value to a property-part
Create a property-part
Weapons Module
Display details of a weapon
Link a tax account for a weapon
Add an owner to a weapon
Create a weapon
Transfer a weapon
Financial Statements Module
Balance Sheet Movements
Display balance sheet movements
Calculate a balance sheet movement
Create a balance sheet movement
Print a balance sheet movement
Motor Vehicle Module
Motor vehicles
Display motor vehicles
Add a plate to a vehicle
Add a history of use to a motor vehicle
Add an engine
Add an owner
Assign a bank to a vehicle
Add an insurance to a motor vehicle
Add an inspection to a motor vehicle
Create a motor vehicle
Transfer a motor vehicle
View the list of plates associated to a taxpayer
Create a plate format
Create a type of plate
Generate a plate number
Create a value list for plates
Change or remove a plate type
Edit or delete a list of values for vehicle plates
Edit the rules of motor vehicles
Payment Agreement Module
Payment Agreements
Print a payment agreement
Print a payment agreement schedule
Display payment agreements
Cancel a payment agreement
Change the status of a payment agreement
Calculate a payment agreement
Create a payment agreement notice
Documents in Batch
Change the print out status of a payment agreement
Create payment agreement reminders in batch
Print payment agreement reminders
Print payment agreement reminders summary
Withholdings Module
Maintain Withholdings
Add a withholdee
Transfer deductions of all withholdees
Display withholdings
Transfer withholdings
SIGTAS Administration
About SIGTAS Administration
Accessing SIGTAS
Modify or delete in SIGTAS
SIGTAS Home page
Load data from a CSV file into SIGTAS
Exiting SIGTAS
Required fields
SIGTAS menus
Classical report
Interactive Reports
Choose the format of the report
Determining the number of rows to display
Save your report
Download your reports
Using a filter
Notices and warnings
Navigating in SIGTAS
Searching in SIGTAS
Translating in SIGTAS
Translate from the translation pop-up window
Translate using the SIGTAS Dictionary
User Management
About allowed activities in SIGTAS
Administration Module
Tax Account Module
Objection Module
Assessment Module
Docs and Files Module
Cashing Module
Payment Agreement Module
Financial Statements Module
Management Module
Contract Management Module
Tax Roll Module
Interface Module
Letters and Reminders Module
Cross-checking Module
Collection Module
Refund Module
Dashboard Module
Property Tax Module
Audit Module
API Module
Management Reports Module
Withholding Module
Display history of roles granted to a user
Display permissions granted to a user
Display details of a role
Display reports groups
Display user details
Add a user
Assign activities to a role
Assign reports to a group
Assign a tax division to a user
Assign roles to a user
Assign multiple tax divisions to a user
Close an activity previously associated with a role
Print the list of permissions granted to a user
Assign activities to a role
Display tax period history
Display penalties and interest calculation summary
Display opening arrears penalties and interest calculation summary
Display form table columns
Display form operators
Display line types
Display assessment notice reports
Display remittance notice reports
Add a form line
Link a payment location to a tax type
Link an imposition base to a tax type
Link an interest rate to a tax type
Link a penalty rate to a tax type
Link a tax period to a tax type
Calculate penalty and interest
Create a pay scale
Create an attached form
Create a tax form
Create a form parameter
Create a tax specific setup
Create an imposition base
Create an interest rate
Create a penalty rate
Create a penalty type
Create a tax schedule
Create a tax type
Create a grace period
Create a tax period installment rate
Export form lines on a xml file
Import form lines from another version
Print the list of form versions and periods report
Calculate penalties and interest on opening arrears
Reverse penalties and interest
Create a compensation type rate
Create an income type rate
Toutes les natures d'impôt
Display SIGTAS dictionary
Display general rules
Display specific rules
Display job types
Add a logo
Create a signature/approval block
Create a tax budget
Create a weekend day
Create a public holiday
Create a currency rate
Create a TIN component
Create a reminder date
Create a VAT rule
Create a bank interface rule
Create a withholding interface rule
Print a blank letter
Assign a signature to an agent
Create a signature
Display scheduled jobs
Base Tables
Create installment rates
Tax Agent
Create filing program targets
Create representative reasons
Create representative types
Balance sheet
Create a balance sheet element type
Create a balance sheet element
Tax Account
Display automatic tax account creation rules history
Create automatic tax account rules
Create unit/sectors
Create objection steps
Create a rate for exonerated or suspended taxes
Create a project type
Create an assessment comparison configuration
Create a new version of an assessment comparison configuration
Create an aster code
Create a reassessment reason
Documents and Letters
Display letters and reminders layouts
Display application form types
Display letter variables
Create identification documents
Create document types
Create an ID document type
Create letter types
Create a letter or reminder
Create automatic reminder rules
Create a CDD certificate status
Create a period of accounting exercise
Tax Roll
Display tax division automatic designation rules history
Display TIN application fields
Add address informations
Create trade types
Create registration locations
Create occupations
Create automatic tax division designation rules
Create automatic taxpayer classification assignation rules
Taxpayer Info
Display VAT taxpayer types
Link an exemption code to a tax type
Display TIN application setups
Display taxpayer types
Display request types
Add a status to a request and taxpayer type
Assign taxpayer validations to a document type
Link a request types to a document type
Create taxpayer subtypes
Create employee statuses
Create individual titles
Create entreprise types
Create enterprise activities
Create risk assessments for refund
Create closing reasons
Create a legal form
Display ABST taxpayer type
Display taxpayer validations
Tax Info
Link a taxable object type to a tax type
Create exemption codes
Link an exemption code to a tax type
Create exemption sources
Internal Affairs
Create a tax type account
Display languages
Create a government fiscal year
Create tax divisions
Create departments or processing services
Create data import rules
Display data transfer history for tax division
Link licence bases to a tax type
Create licence rates
Create a licence rate class
Change a licence base
Create a license base
Display TIN applications import logs
Importing data
Migration Data Comparison
Taxable Objects
Create inspectors
Create manufacturers
Create legal representatives
Create models
Create taxable object types
Create use types
Create vendors
Payment/ Transaction
Display transaction status
Display transaction types
Create treasury regional offices
Create payment locations
Create revenue codes
Create bank accounts
Create payment location deposit accounts
Create payment accounts
Create payment types
Create banks
Create currencies
Create bank branches
Create denominations
Display data transfer for payment locations
Create carry-forward rules
Create a carry-forward type
Link products to a tax type
Create a product
Family Divider
Create a family divider scale
Create family divider values
Create a risk classification
Create an automatic collection case
Create a collection step
Miscellaneous Base Tables
Create reasons
Create fiscal regimes
Create insurance companies
Create element types
Create units of measure
Create a market value
Standard Base Tables
Display values of a standard base table
Add records to a standard base table
Property Tax
Create reference codes
Create cadastral structure levels
Create property values automatic calculation rates
Create cadastral structures
Create lease types
Create property statuses
Create property transfer rates
Create property use details
Create property value list types
Create property value types
Create speciality uses
Motor Vehicle
Create motor vehicle body types
a Create plate types
Create a calculation parameter for audit risk
Create an audit type
Create an audit step
Create a prorata formula
Cross References
User Management
Rules / Configurations
Base tables
Other Cross References
Tax Account
Docs and Files
Payment Agreement
Financial Statements
Contract Management
Tax Roll
Letters and Reminders
Management Reports
Property tax
Penalties and Interests - Configuration Details
Link an interest rate to a tax type - Configuration details
Calculate Penalty and Interest - Configuration Details
Calculate Penalty and Interest on Opening Arrears - Configuration Details
Create an interest rate - Configuration details
Create a grace period - Configuration details
Reverse penalties and interest - Configuration details
Setting up Specific Penalty and Interest - Configuration Details
Opening Arrears Penalty & Interest Calculation Summary - Configuration Details
Display penalties and interest calculation summary - Configuration details
Penalty Rate / Tax Type - Configuration details
Display tax period history - Configuration details
Display form table columns - Configuration details
Display form operators - Configuration details
Add a form line - Configuration details
Create an attached form - Configuration details
Create a tax form - Configuration details
Create an imposition base - Configuration details
Create a tax schedule - Configuration details
Create a tax type - Configuration Details
Print the list of form version and periods report - Configuration details
Display assessment notice reports - Configuration details
Display remittance notice reports - Configuration details
Link an imposition base to a tax type - Configuration details
Create Tax Functions - Configuration Details
Create a week-end day - Configuration details
Create a public holiday - Configuration details
Create Specific Rules - Configuration Details
Base Tables
Import Data rules - Configuration details
Document and Letters
Application Form Type - Configuration details
Document types - Configuration details
ID Types - Configuration details
Letter Types - Configuration details
Create Tax Divisions - Configuration Details
Error Message Codes (101 to 4000)
Error message codes from 101 to 200
Error message codes from 201 to 300
Error message codes from 301 to 400
Error message codes from 401 to 500
Error message codes from 501 to 600
Error message codes from 601 to 700
Error message codes from 701 to 800
Error message codes from 801 to 900
Error message codes from 901 to 1000
Error Message Codes from 1001 to 1100
Error Message Codes from 1101 to 1200
Error Message Codes from 1201 to 1300
Error Message Codes from 1301 to 1400
Error Message Codes from 1401 to 1500
Error Message Codes from 1501 to 1600
Error Message Codes from 1601 to 1700
Error Message Codes from 1701 to 1800
Error Message Codes from 1801 to 1900
Error Message Codes from 1901 to 2000
Error Message Codes from 2001 to 2100
Error Message Codes from 2101 to 2200
Error Message Codes from 2201 to 2300
Error Message Codes from 2301 to 2400
Error Message Codes from 2401 to 2500
Error Message Codes from 2501 to 2600
Error Message Codes from 2601 to 2700
Error Message Codes from 2701 to 2800
Error Message Codes from 2801 to 2900
Error Message Codes from 2901 to 3000
Error Message Codes from 3001 to 3100
Error Message Codes from 3101 to 3200
Error Message Codes from 3201 to 3300
Error Message Codes from 3301 to 3400
Error Message Codes from 3401 to 3500
Error Message Codes from 3501 to 3600
Error Message Codes from 3601 to 3700
Error Message Codes from 3701 to 3800
Error Message Codes from 3801 to 3900
Error Message Codes from 3901 to 4000
Error Message Codes (4001 to 8000)
Error Message Codes from 4301 to 4400
Error Message Codes from 4401 to 4500
Error Message Codes from 4501 to 4600
Error Message Codes from 4601 to 4700
Error Message Codes from 4701 to 4800
Error Message Codes from 4801 to 4900
Error Message Codes from 4901 to 5000
Error Message Codes from 5001 to 5100
Error Message Codes from 5101 to 5200
Error Message Codes from 5201 to 5300
Error Message Codes from 5301 to 5400
Error Message Codes from 5401 to 5500
Error Message Codes from 5501 to 5600
Error Message Codes from 5601 to 5700
Error Message Codes from 5701 to 5800
Error Message Codes from 5801 to 6000
Error Message Codes from 6001 to 6100
Error Message Codes from 6101 to 6200
Error Message Codes from 6201 to 6300
Error Message Codes from 6301 to 6400
Error Message Codes from 6401 to 6500
Error Message Codes from 6501 to 6600
Error Message Codes from 6601 to 6700
Error Message Codes from 6701 to 6800
Error Message Codes from 6801 to 6900
Error Message Codes from 6901 to 7000
Error Message Codes from 7001 to 7100
Error Message Codes from 7101 to 7200
Error Message Codes from 7201 to 7300
Error Message Codes from 7301 to 7400
Error Message Codes from 7401 to 7500
Error Message Codes from 7501 to 7600
Error Message Codes from 7601 to 7700
Error Message Codes from 7701 to 7800
Error Message Codes from 7801 to 7900
Error Message Codes from 7901 to 8000
Error Message Codes from 4001 to 4100
Error Message Codes from 4101 to 4200
Error Message Codes from 4201 to 4300
Error Message Codes (8001 to ...)
Error Message Codes from 8001 to 8100
Error Message Codes from 8101 to 8200
Error Message Codes from 8201 to 8300
Error Message Codes from 8301 to 8400
Error Message Codes from 8401 to 8900
Error Message Codes from 8901 to 9100
Error Message Codes from 9101 to 9200
Error Message Codes from 9201 to 9300
Error Message Codes from 9301 to 9400
Error Message Codes from 9401 to 9500
Error Message Codes from 9501 to 9600
Error Message Codes from 9601 to 9700
Error Message Codes from 9701 to 9800
Error Message Codes from 9801 to 9900
Error Message Codes from 9901 to 10000
Error Message Codes from 10001 to 10100
Error Message Codes from 10101 to 10200
Error Message Codes from 10201 to 10300
Error Message Codes from 10301 to 10400
Error Message Codes from 10401 to 10500
Error Message Codes from 10501 to 10600
Error Message Codes from 18101 to 18200
Error Message Codes from 20101 to 20200
Error Message Codes from 20201 to 20300
Error Message Codes from 20301 to 20400
Error Message Codes from 20401 to 30000
Error Message Codes from 30001 to 30100
Error Message Codes from 30101 to 30200
Error Message Codes from 30201 to 30300
Error Message Codes from 30301 to 30400
Error Message Codes from 30401 to 30500
Error Message Codes from 30501 to 30600
Error Message Codes from 30601 to 30700
Error Message Codes from 30701 to 30800
Error Message Codes from 30801 ...
Activities and sub-activities
Activities Tax Roll module
Activities Assessment module
Activities Tax Account module
Activities Audit module
Activities Property Tax module
Activities Cashing module
Activities Interface module
Activities Administration module
Activities Docs & Files
Activities Letters and Reminders
Activities Payment Agreement module
Activities Refund module
Activities Management module
Activities Withholdings module
Activities Taxable Object
Activities Collection module
Activities Dashboard module
Activities Financial Statements
Activities Cross-checking module
Activities Objection module
Activities API module
Activities Contract Management module
e-services Public
About e-services (public)
Accessing e-services
Upload CSV files
Manage your messages
Searching in e-services
Required fields
Change your profile
Navigating in e-services Public
e-services Home page
Exiting e-services
Download and print documents
Print a consolidated account statement
Display the list of representatives and change their access
Display legal terms and conditions
Access account details
Generate account reports
Find a declaration
Submit a declaration
Display withholdings
Submit withholdings
Find an assessment
Consult an assessment
Print a assessment
Display clearance requests
Request a tax clearance certificate
Validate a certificate
Make a payment
Print a receipt
Display a refund
Edit a refund
Submit a refund
Display a potential refund
Save a potential refund
Submit a potential refund request
View an objection
Add and file an objection
Edit an objection
Delete objection lines
e-services Administration
About e-services Admin
Accessing e-services Admin
e-services Admin Home page
Exiting e-services Admin
Change your profile
Manage your messages
Navigating in e-services Admin
Required fields
Searching in e-services Admin
Resend an activation email
Export the list of users
Display legal terms and conditions
Add an administrator
Change details of an administrator
Display administrators
Suspend the account of an administrator
Unsuscribe an administrator
Configure external services
Configure tax periods
Configure default and translation languages
Manage general content
Tax Agents
Add a tax agent
Assign access rights to a tax agent
Change the access rights of a tax agent
Modify a tax agent
Find a tax agent
Suspend the account of a tax agent
Export the list of tax agents
Unsuscribe a tax agent
Tax Officers
Add a tax officer
Find a tax officer
Modify a tax officer
Suspend the account of a tax officer
Unsuscribe a tax officer
Add a taxpayer
Assign access rights to a taxpayer
Find a taxpayer
Modify a taxpayer
Suspend a taxpayer account
Unsubscribe a taxpayer
OTR Public
About OTR
Accessing OTR
Exiting OTR
Resetting your password
Mandatory fields
Navigating in OTR
Create a new user
Searching in OTR
Updating data
Confirm the status of your online submission
Edit your profile
Start a non-individual enterprise application
Capture basic information
Add ID documents
Add a branch
Add business information
Add bank information
Add an employee
Add an owner
Add a tax representative
Add a contact person
Review and submit
Start an individual application
Capture personal information
Add ID documents
Add an individual enterprise
Add bank information
Add an asset
Add an income source
Add a contact person
Add a tax representative
Add dependents/spouse
Review and submit
OTR Administration
About OTR Administration
Accessing OTR Administration
Exiting OTR Administration
Resetting your password
Mandatory fields
Navigating in OTR Administration
Create a new user
Searching in OTR Administration
Updating in OTR Administration
Display report on fields or blocks
Display text definition
Customize global settings
Display users
Create new taxpayer users
Display other users
Create other users
Third-party configuration
Workflow System Administrator Dashboard
About Workflow
Accessing Workflow and the System Administrator Dashboard
Searching Workflow
Required fields
Navigating Workflow
Workflow Home page
Exiting Workflow
Display the list of users assigned to a role
Display task details
Display employee details
Display procedure tasks
Display organizational units
Display an automated action type
Display a procedure
Link a status to a procedure
Copy a procedure
Create a unique identifier
Create a message template
Create a procedure status
Create an automated action
Create an alert or a reminder for a task
Create a procedure category
Create a new procedure
Create a new procedure version
Create a procedure priority
Create a procedure from a template
Create a task
Export a procedure
Manage security components
Task hierarchy/procedure instructions
Task hierarchy/procedure results
Import a procedure
Maintenance of Workflow rules
Modify the task of a procedure
Modify the status of a procedure
Modify unique identifier information
Modify the identifier of a procedure
Modify a message template
Modify a role
Modify a procedure status
Modify an automated action type
Modify an alert or a reminder
Modify a procedure category
Modify a procedure priority
Modify a procedure
Step by step – System Administrator Dashboard
Interactive reports
Accessing interactive reports
Displaying report data
Saving and displaying a report
Customizing a report
Downloading a report
Select a role
Delete a status linked to a procedure
Delete a template message
Delete a role
Delete a procedure status
Delete an alert or a reminder
Delete a procedure category
Delete a procedure priority
Delete a procedure
Delete a task from a procedure
Validate and confirm a procedure
Display and print a procedure diagram
Display task details for a procedure
Workflow Supervisor Dashboard
Display employee details
Display details of a procedure's priority and deadline updates
Assign tasks to an employee
Assign/reassign tasks to an employee or group of employees
Update the priorities and deadlines of a procedure
Modify batch tasks
Modify task assignment
Step by step - Supervisor Dashboard
About Workflow
Accessing Workflow and the Supervisor Dashboard
Searching Workflow
Required fields
Navigating Workflow
Workflow Home page
Exiting Workflow
Interactive reports
Accessing interactive reports
Displaying report data
Saving and displaying a report
Customizing a report
Downloading a report
Display and print a procedure diagram
Display task details
Workflow To Do Dashboard
Display task details
Stop a procedure
Stop a task
Initiate a procedure
Step by step - To Do Dashboard
About Workflow
Accessing Workflow and the To Do Dashboard
Search Workflow
Required fields
Navigate Workflow
Workflow Home Page
Exit Workflow
Reassign a task
Display and print procedure diagram
Clear History
| User Guide
Workflow System Administrator Dashboard
About Workflow
Exiting Workflow
Exiting Workflow
To exit Workflow
Click on the
Log Out
hyperlink located in the top right corner of your screen. This link is available at all times, no matter where you are in Workflow. Clicking on this hyperlink will take you to the
Log In