Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Display other users

This part of the guide explains how to display other users.

Step 1 - Go to the Third Party User page

  1. Click the App Settings hyperlink at the top right of the page, then click the Other User tab. This action opens the Third Party Users page;

Step 2 - Display other users

  1. Go to the search section (identified by a magnifying glass icon) and enter the first characters in the field. You can also use the drop-down list to sort the search by column;
  2. Click on the Go button. This operation allows you to limit the number of information displayed and to customize the search;
  3. Using the Actions drop-down list, you can change the appearance of the results list, among other things;
  4. To edit a third user info, click the edit icon (pencil) associated to the desired user. This action opens the Edit third party user page.