Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Create an attached form - Configuration details

This page displays configuration details about creating an attached form.

Attached Form

Screen Name Page
Attached Form 509:15641
Type Name Details
LOV Form No. The number of the parent (consolidated) form.
A LOV of the forms configured in the page Tax Form (509:1004).
A click on the LoV opens the Select a Tax Form popup page (509:15642) for selection.
The popup displays the list of forms associated to the selected Tax Type and having the flag Consolidated Form checked.
Display field Form Title The title of the form.
Automatically populated once the Form No. has been selected
Display Field Version No. The version number of the consolidated form.
Automatically populated once the Form No. has been selected
LOV Attached Form No. The child form number to be attached to the consolidated form.
A LoV of forms configured in the page Tax Form (509:1004).
A click on the LoV opens the Select a Tax Form popup page (509:15643) for selection.
Consolidated forms are excluded from the list.
Field Start Date The date on which the child form is to be attached to the selected consolidated form.Date picker
Validation rules:A form cannot be attached to the same consolidated form, same version at the same Start Date more than once.
Field End Date The date on which the child form is no longer attached to the selected consolidated form.
Date picker
Validation rules:
Start Date should be less than End Date, otherwise an error message is generated -1818 “Start date must be earlier than end date.”
Checkbox Print Consolidated Form Allows the user to specify whether the consolidated form is used as the single declaration for all attached forms.
A selected check box signifies that the form will be used instead of individual (children) forms.
If deselected, then the consolidated form will not be used for tax declaration generation.
Button Save Saves the attached form, closes the popup window Attached Form (509:15641) and redirects the user to the page List of Attached Forms (509:15640) which will be refreshed with the new line.
Button Save&Create Saves the attached form, keeps the user on the same window and clear all fields in order to be able to attach a new form.
Same validation rules as the Save button
Button Delete Displayed only while consulting an attached form