Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Validate and confirm a procedure

Workflow allows the system administrator to validate and confirm a procedure. This segment of the guide explains how to validate and confirm a procedure. Worfklow will validate the configuration and report any errors that need to be corrected. Once the procedure has been Validated & Confirmed, it is available for completion.

Step 1 - Go to the Maintain Procedures page
  1. Go to the Procedure Information;
  2. Click on Maintain Procedures. This opens the Maintain Procedures page (604:2003);

Step 2 – Validate and confirm a procedure
  1. Go to the List Of Procedures section;
  2. Find the procedure serving as a model for the new version;
  3. Click on the line of the procedure that is the subject of the request (the line becomes grayed and the Operations button becomes available);
  4. Click on the Operations button. This action opens a drop-down list allowing you to choose between different options;
  5. Click on the Validate & Confirm option. This action opens the Confirmation pop-up window;

  1. Click on Yes. This action confirms the selection and updates (checks) the Validated & Confirmed column.