Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 7101 to 7200

The following table displays error message codes from 7101 to 7200.

Message Code Description
7101 The approval date must be entered.
7102 (%1) must be entered.
7103 This assessment type is already used.
7104 This assessment is not linked to the batch on the top. Please try another one.
7105 You cannot query an assessment where a tax type is different from a batch tax type.
7106 The reassessment date should be later than the original assessment date.
7107 The reassessment date should be earlier or equal to the sysdate.
7108 This tax period is already configured in another version of the form.
7109 A row already exists with the same tax period no.
7110 The checkbox "Installments by default" must be checked in the configuration of the tax type if installment fields are to be used on this screen.
7111 No notice of assessment has been printed yet. You cannot create a reassessment.
7112 Do you wish to save? You will not be able to change the schedule after it has been saved.
7113 No payment agreement schedule has been created and saved.
7114 This payment agreement schedule has not been saved. Do you wish to save and continue? You will not be able to change the schedule after it has been saved.
7115 If the payment agreement is canceled, the penalty/interest will be recalculated from the agreement date to the current date. Reversal of an agreement cancellation is not possible. Are you sure you want to cancel the agreement?
7116 The enterprise certificates must be returned before the change can be made.
7117 The document is linked to a batch.
7118 You cannot associate an assessment with a tax year different from a batch year.
7119 The assessment is now linked to a batch.
7120 The assessment balance is 0. There is no notice to be printed.
7121 All data address fields are mondatory.
7122 The TIN should be started by a digit between 1 and 8.
7123 The establishment start date must be equal or less than the sysdate.
7124 Please update the share owners accordingly.
7125 The document is owned by another taxpayer.
7126 The bank account is not registered in SIGTAS.
7127 "%1" cannot be updated.
7128 No search criteria has been specified. This report could take a long time to execute. Do you want to continue?
7129 You must specify at least one field between %1.
7130 The withholder TIN is not valid.
7131 The entry date from is greater than the entry date to.
7132 The withholdee TIN is not valid.
7133 The tax type of the form does not match the tax type of the configuration (withholding interface rules).
7134 The withholding interface rules are missing or incomplete. Please complete the configuration before processing.
7135 This document number has not been generated by SIGTAS and has already been used.
7136 The amount has an invalid format.
7137 The payment date has an invalid format.
7138 The national id card no does not match the TIN. Please review import file or SIGTAS's taxpayer registration.
7139 This assessment is currently being appealed in an objection case. It cannot be used in an audit case until the appeal is closed.
7140 The selected reassessment has been the result of an audit. Only the tax department can complete another reassessment.
7141 The assessment entered is under an open objection. It cannot be reassessed except in the context of an appeal reassessment.
7142 The closing date is required, since the objection status is set to Closed.
7143 %1 has an invalid format.
7145 You must change the approval information to match your user information before calculating.
7146 The received date must be after the tax account registration date.
7147 Duplicate Treshold must be entered in TIN Application Setup (BT123).
7148 The reason for a correction is mandatory.
7149 Are you sure you want to reject the request?
7150 Are you sure you want to return the request to centre for correction?
7151 Are you sure you want to approve the request?
7152 This is the title of the component to which this menu item is linked. The component title and the menu title could be different but it must share the same concept.
7153 This is the title of the menu item in the source language. By default, it is the same title as the component to which is it linked. However it is possible to modify it afterward.
7154 This is the name of the SIGTAS database table (not screen) that is linked to the screen. This field is needed mostly for base table screens.
7155 It is the item 2 levels above the current item. It is the parent's menu item of the current parent menu item.
7156 %1 must be greater than or equal to %2.
7157 %1 must be lower than or equal to %2.
7158 The total approved amount cannot be greater than the account balance of the period.
7159 Use the Capture Remittance screen to correct an assessment for which the assessment notice has not yet been printed.
7160 Please enter the start date before the hours spent.
7161 The refund administrative form report must be printed before the refund can be approved.
7162 The start date must not be null if the end date is captured.
7164 There is an overlap date range in SIGTAS table and approval position.
7165 This box cannot be checked if a tax division is selected.
7166 You may not view this audit case as it is not attached to your tax division.
7167 This assessment is currently being audited. Only the tax department can complete a reassessment.
7168 An audit has been performed on this assessment. Only the tax department can request a reassessment.
7169 This assessment has an active %1 against it and cannot be %2.
7170 The collection case cannot be closed because an associated payment agreement is currently open.
7171 You must enter a closed batch for which assessment notices have been created before printing the assessment notices.
7172 The start date of an employment must be between an establishment start date and close date.
7173 The amounts paid do not correspond to the amounts owed. Do you want to continue?
7174 This due date falls on a non-business day.
7175 An individual must have a main enterprise.
7176 Check the box if you want to search only this string and nothing else.
7177 Check the box if you want to search with exactly this letter case.
7178 If specified, the search will return all the records since this date.
7179 If specified, the search will return all the records last modified by this user.
7180 This tax form has already a tax period created for this year, month, week and imposition base.
7181 No lines brought forward. Please enter new form lines.
7183 Either the batch or the document number does not exist or you are not allowed to query any of them.
7184 This record overlaps with an existing record for the same tax type, penalty and based on.
7185 This penalty no. does not exist.
7186 There are %1 that have changed the address.
7187 This flag is disabled because there are errors for this document.
7188 This button is disabled because there are no errors for this document.
7189 There can only be one bank account associated to a payment location, tax division, tax type or tax division/tax type combination and be active at the same time.
7190 Check the box if you want to reverse the manual penalty.
7191 Check the box if you want to transfer the manual penalty to the reassessment (default value from penalty definition).
7192 No remittance has been captured yet for this batch.
7193 Duplicates: %1.
7194 You cannot assign %1 as %2 of him/herself.
7195 No transaction has been recorded for this tax account.
7196 The tax type or tax year on batch documents is inconsistent.
7197 This id document is already expired.
7198 Optional but paired with item name. If specified, must be the exact name of the forms block.
7199 Optional but paired with block name. If specified, must be the exact name of the item of the forms block.
7200 Will the field be visible in the screen or report?