Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Capture personal information

This is the first step to complete the individual application form. This part of the guide explains how to capture personal information.

Step 1 - Choose the taxpayer type

  1. Click the Start New Application button. This action opens the taxpayer type popup window;
  2. Go to the Taxpayer Type section and use the dropdown list to enter the Taxpayer Type and the Language;
  3. Click the Continue button. This action opens the Personal Information page, assigns an application number to the new application and updates the Home page;

Step 2 - Capture personal information

  1. Fill out the required fields (identified by a red asterisk *). For example, Title, First Name, etc.
  2. Complete other fields if required;

The completion of the personal information registration requires the taxpayer to enter both home and trading adresses. When the box Mailing Address same as Trading Address is checked, the mailing address is automatically added to the list of addresses on the Personal Information page.

Step 3 - Add an address

  1. Go to the Address section and click the Add button. This action opens the Address popup window;
  2. Go to the Address section and use the dropdown list to choose the Country, State, and LGA;
  3. Use the dropdown list to choose the Address Type;
  4. Enter other information if needed;
  5. Check the Mailing address same as Trading Address box, as appropriate. If the home address is different than the mailing address, fill out the required fields;
  6. Click the Save button. This action confirms the addition of both home and mailing addresses and updates the Home page (the navigation train button becomes green);

  1. Click the Next button to go forward ot the next step: Add ID documents