Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 1601 to 1700

The following table displays error message codes from 1601 to 1700.

Message Code Description
1601 You must enter a representative name before entering a representative country.
1602 You must enter a representative name before entering a representative postal code.
1603 You cannot go to another form without saving the changes or querying another account.
1606 This account is not for a license.
1607 Unable to find the imposition base no.
1608 A taxpayer no. must be entered.
1609 An imposition base already valid for this start date.
1610 An imposition base already exists for this tax account.
1611 This end date has already a valid imposition base.
1612 This imposition base overlaps the existing record.
1613 This imposition base description does not exist.
1614 The query of the tax type base imposition must be in the context of the tax type.
1615 The insertion of the tax type base imposition must be in the context of the tax type.
1616 Invalid date. It must be after the enterprise started.
1617 You must specify the type of representative for this enterprise.
1618 You must enter the reason why this enterprise has a representative.
1619 The query is not allowed on this form.
1620 There is no summary report to print. This job creates no remittance forms.
1621 The summary report is being prepared.
1622 You must have a job no. before running summary reports.
1623 This job has not run yet. No summary reports are available.
1624 This is not a valid job no.
1625 This is not a "create remittance forms" job.
1626 The tax type used for this job is no longer valid.
1627 The tax period used for this job is no longer valid.
1628 Fatal error in the print of error details.
1629 Fatal error in the print of summary details.
1630 No objection exists.
1631 No objection exists for this taxpayer.
1632 These tax account number and tax type do not exist.
1633 This maiden name does not exist.
1634 This taxpayer name does not exist.
1635 This specified taxpayer no. and tax type do not exists.
1636 This specified tax type and license base do not exist.
1637 The tax type is required.
1638 The taxpayer has no license account.
1639 This tax_payer, tax_type and tax division combinaison is invalid.
1640 You cannot delete a tax period while a dependent assessment exists.
1641 You cannot delete an assessment while a dependent assessment line exists.
1642 A row already exists with the same assessment no.
1643 You already have entered this line.
1644 This assessment type no. does not exist.
1645 This batch no, does not exist.
1646 This line no. does not exist.
1647 A row already exists with the same assessment no., line no., version no. and form no.
1648 The query of an assessment line must be in the context of an assessment.
1649 The insertion of an assessment line must be in the context of an assessment.
1650 The reception date must be after the document was created.
1651 The reception date must be greater than or equal to the document printed date.
1652 Please enter the taxpayer number.
1653 Please enter one or more fields before querying.
1654 This remittance does not exist.
1655 This remittance has not been printed or has been discarded or put on hold.
1656 A return of the same type already exists for the same tax period.
1657 Please enter a tax_payer no.
1658 Invalid tax type or missing taxpayer number.
1659 Invalid tax year or missing taxpayer no./tax type.
1660 File does not exist.
1661 File number does not correspond with criteria specified.
1662 The file number must be entered.
1663 Unable to find the tax_type.
1664 Unable to find the TIN.
1665 This file number does not exist. Please re-enter.
1666 Invalid year.
1667 This file does not exist for the specified criteria.
1668 This form currently has no registered versions in SIGTAS and cannot be printed.
1669 You must have a job no. before printing the remittance forms.
1670 This job has not run yet. There are no remittance forms to print.
1671 This job has no remittance form ready to print.
1680 You cannot delete a batch job while a dependent job exists.
1681 A row already exists with the same batch job description.
1683 A row already exists with the same other batch job description.
1684 A row already exists with the same batch job command.
1685 A row already exists with the same batch job no.
1700 You cannot delete a charge type while a dependent tax sub transaction exists.