Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Create a grace period - Configuration details

This page displays configuration details about creating a grace period.

Create a grace period

Screen Name Page
Grace period 509:15251
Type Name Details
Field No The number automatically assigned by SIGTAS to each grace period entry created.
Display only
LoV Tax Type The type of tax to which the grace period applies.
Creation Mode: A LoV is available from the List of Tax Types (509:2231) screen.
Update Mode:Display only if the End Date is in the past or there is at least an assessment with a Filing due date or a payment due date falls in the date range of the current grace period.
Note:In update mode, all fields except End Date are display only if the End Date is in the past or there is at least an assessment with a Filing due date or a payment due date falls in the date range of the current grace period.
Checkbox Interest A selected check box indicates that the Grace Period is applied to interest (the interest is charged only after the specified number of days of delay).
Validation rules:Either the Interest or the Penalty check box must be selected on each row, but they cannot be selected simultaneously.
Default value: checked
Checkbox Penalty A selected check box indicates that the Grace Period is applied to automatic penalties.
Validation rules:Either the Interest or the Penalty check box must be selected on each row, but they cannot be selected simultaneously.
LoV Taxpayer size A selected value indicates the taxpayer’s size to which the grace period will be applied.
A LOV is available from page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = TAXPAYER SIZE
If no value is selected, the grace period/delayed application period is applied to all taxpayers, including the unclassified taxpayers.
LoV Penalty Type Allows the user to select the penalty types affected by the grace period. If null, then all automatic penalties are affected by the grace period.
A LOV is available from the page Penalty Rates/Tax Type (509:15160).
Validation rules:
This field can be updated only if the check box Penalty is selected. If not selected, this field is disabled and set to null.
Default value: Null
Field Grace Period (in Days/in Months) Allows the user to enter the number of grace days or grace months during which penalties and interest are suspended after the generation of a notice or a reminder. One of them must be entered on each row. You cannot use both at a time.
Beyond the specified grace period, penalties and interest are applicable according to the law.
Validation rules:
Either Grace period in Days or Grace period in Months can be entered in a row, not both. Otherwise an error message is raised -8103 “Enter one grace period either in months or in days (not both)."
Field Delayed Application (in Days / in Months) Allows the user to enter a number of days/months during which the application of penalties and/or interest is effectively waived after the due date that triggers the penalty (late-filing: filing due date, late-payment: payment due date).
The penalty is applied only on the next delayed application after the end of the period. If the penalty/interest is daily, the calculation will start on the day following the end of the Delayed Application period.
If applied to a Letter/Reminder, then the period starts on the printing date.
If both a grace period and a delayed application period are applied, the grace period must be applied after the delayed application period. If several penalty application periods are configured within the delayed application interval, they are waived.
Validation rules:
Either Delayed Application (Days) or Delayed Application (Months) can be entered in a row, not both. Otherwise an error message is raised -9315 “Enter one delayed application either in months or in days (not both).”
Checkbox After Filing Due Date A selected check box indicates that the Grace Period/Delayed Application period is applied after the filing due date.
If this check box is not selected, the Grace Period/Delayed Application period is not applied after the filing due date.
Default value: checked
Validation rules:
At least one of the following check boxes After Filing Due Date, After Pay Due Date, After Print Assm. Notice, After Print Letter Reminder, After Reassm. Notice, After Estim. Assm. Notice must be selected on each row.
Default value: checked
Checkbox After pay Due Date A selected check box indicates that the Grace Period/Delayed Application period is applied after the payment due date.
If this check box is not selected, the Grace Period/Delayed Application period is not applied after the payment due date.
Validation rules:
At least one of the following check boxes After Filing Due Date, After Pay Due Date, After Print Assm. Notice, After Print Letter, Reminder, After Reassm. Notice, After Estim. Assm. Notice must be selected on each row.
Checkbox After Print Assm. Notice A selected check box indicates that the Grace Period is applied after printing an assessment notice, except if the payment due date is based on the assessment date.
If this check box is not selected, the Grace Period is not applied after printing an assessment notice.
Validation rules:
(1) Usable only if one of the fields Delayed Application in Days or Delayed Application in Months are not null, and both Grace Period in Days and Grace Period in Months are null.
(2) Cannot be checked simultaneously with After Reassm. Notice
Checkbox After reassm. Notice A selected check box indicates that the Grace Period is applied after printing of a reassessment notice.
If this check box is not selected, the Grace Period is not applied after of a reassessment notice.
Validation rules:
Cannot be selected simultaneously with the check box After Print Assm. Notice or After Estim. Assm. Notice
Checkbox After estim. Assm. Notice A selected check box indicates that the Grace Period is applied after printing of an estimated assessment notice.
If this check box is not selected, the Grace Period is not applied after printing of an estimated assessment notice.
Validation rules:
(1) Usable only if one of the fields Delayed Application in days or Delayed Application in Months is not null and both Grace Period in Days and Grace Period in Months are null. Otherwise an error message is raised.
(2) Cannot be checked simultaneously with After Reassm. Notice.
Field Start Date Contains the start date of the grace period.Date picker.
Field End Date Contains the end date of the grace period. Date picker. Always available.
Validation rules:
End Date should be >= Start Date, otherwise an error message is raised -1818 “Start date must be earlier than end date.”
Button Save Saves the grace period, closes the Grace Period (509:15251) popup window and redirects the user to the List of Grace periods page (509:15250) which will be refreshed with the new line.
Validation rules:
(1) If both flags Interest or Penalty are not selected, then an error message is raised -9314 “At least one of the flags: interest or penalty must be checked.”
(2) If no grace period and no delayed application period is entered, then an error message is raised -9179 "At least Grace period or Delayed application must be entered."
(3) If the check boxes After Print Assm. Notice and After Reassm. Notice are both selected then an error message is raised -30469 "You cannot select both "After Print Assm. Notice" and "After Reass. Notice", choose only one"
(4) If the check boxes After Reassm. Notice and After Estim. Assm. Notice are both selected, then an error message is raised -30471 "You cannot select both After Reass. Notice and After Estim. Assm. Notice, choose only one".
(5) When using grace period (Grace Period in Days or Grace Period in Months fields is not null), If the check boxes After Print Assm. Notice or After Estim. Assm. Notice is selected then an error message is raised -30473 "You can select After Print Assm. Notice or After Estim. Assm. Notice only if there is a value in Delayed Application and no value in Grace Period."
(6) If no check box is selected, then an error message is raised -9314 “At least one of the flags: After Filing Due Date, After Pay Due Date, After Print Assm. Notice, After Reassm. Notice or After Estim. Assm. Notice must be checked.”
(7) If a similar grace period has already been created with an open range, then an error message is raised -8036 “First, close the open range in the previous record.”
(8) If a duplicate grace period has already been created, then an error message is raised -6815 “Row exists already with the same tax type, checked flag and start date.”
(9) If the current grace period overlaps with an existing one, then an error message is raised -10035 “Date overlaps that of a similar record. Please check and re-enter.”
Button Save&Create Saves the grace period and keeps the user on the same window in order to be able to add new grace periods.
Same validation rules as Save button
Button Delete Displayed only while updating an existing grace period.