Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Approve a taxpayer to an audit program

This segment of the guide explains how to approve a taxpayer to an audit program.

SIGTAS offers the user four levels of approval. He may choose to enter a comment using the fields Comment 1, Comment 2 or check the boxes Approval Level 1 or Approval Level 2. The approval of an audit program is only possible when a taxpayer is associated with it and if the approval takes place through the pop-up window Taxpayer Assignation and his Approval. The approvals are independent of each other. Level 1 Approval is not required to approve a taxpayer at level 2 and vice versa. However, once the approval has been registered, it cannot be changed.

The following example explains how to approve a taxpayer for the Level 2 audit program. This procedure is standardized and applies also to the level 1 approval.

Step 1 - Go to the page List of Audit Programs

  1. Go to the Audit module;
  2. Choose the Audit Program option;
  3. Click on the Audit Programs menu. This action opens the List of Audit Programs page (505:3000);

Step 2 - Approve a taxpayer to an audit program

  1. Find the program you want to approve the taxpayer to;
  2. Click the hyperlink of the Audit Program No. subject to the request. This action opens the Audit Program page (505:3001);
  3. Go to the List of Assigned Taxpayers to an Audit Program section;
  4. Click the Create button. This action opens the pop-up window Taxpayer Assignation and his Approval;
  5. Fill out the required fields (identified by a red asterisk *). For example, TIN, Approved by, etc.
  6. Enter a comment in Comment # 1 or Comment # 2, as required;
  7. Check the Approval Level 2 box;
  8. Click the Save button. This action confirms the taxpayer's approval for the audit program and updates the Audit Program page (505:3001).