Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 5201 to 5300

The following table displays error message codes from 5201 to 5300.

Message Code Description
5220 The voucher date must be earlier or equal than the voucher deposit date.
5221 Warning: there is more than one period for the same year/month. The carry forward may have to be done manually.
5238 This reference number already exists.
5240 Would you like to print a payment receipt?
5241 You cannot create another TIN for this agency.
5242 A receipt for the payment captured is already printed.
5249 Print a payment receipt.
5260 You cannot select assessments, the opening arrears is set to yes.
5261 The collection case associated to this assessment was set in another tax division. It cannot be accessed.
5262 The earliest refundable date is not valid.
5263 See your SIGTAS administrator: the values in sigtas_rules are null for the fixed calendar days.
5281 The proof of identity is mandatory for owners entered without TIN.