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Documentation | User Guide

Create a tax type - Configuration Details

This page displays configuration details about creating tax types.

List of Tax Types

Screen Name Page
List of Tax Types 509-2231
Type Name Details
Field Tax Type The name of the tax type.
Display only
Field Tax Basis The tax basis of the tax type, namely: Taxpayer, Establishment or None.
Display only
Field Tax Type Reference The reference type of a tax type (used to trigger the functionality of the system).
Display only.
Check box Against a Tax Account If checked it indicates that the tax type is against a tax account.
Display only
Check box Licence If checked, the tax type is licence-based.
Display only
Check box Taxable Object If checked it indicates that the tax type is applicable only to taxable objects.
Display only
Check box Show on efiling If checked it indicates that this tax type can be displayed on eTax (a tax agent-filing program can be created for the tax.)
Display only
Check box Credit Carry-Forward If checked then the use of Other credits carry-forwards is enabled, and the credit can be carried forward to the next period if the LTT field is Total Credit for Current Period.
Check box Installment If checked then taxes of this type are separate from the parent tax - eg. "CIT Instalment “. This tax TAX_TYPE_NO value must be put into the "parent' tax" HAS_INST_TAX_TYPE_NO of FORM_VERSION table (the "parent tax" being the one with INSTALL_BY_DEF = Y).
Button Create Redirects the user to the Tax Type Page (509:1001) – creation mode- to capture a new Tax Type.

Tax Type pop-up window

Screen Name Page
Tax Type pop-up window
Type Name Details
Field Tax Type The name of the tax type.
Manually captured
A click on the planet icon redirects the user to the page Translation (509:50000) to add/modify the translation of the tax type in the languages defined by the rule 88 « LANGUAGES_TO_DISPLAY » in the page General Rules (509:3030).
Validation rules:
The Tax type should be unique, otherwise, an error message is generated - 2275 “A record already exists with the same tax type description”
Field Tax Basis The tax basis of the tax type.
Select List from the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = TAX BASIS
Possible values: Taxpayer, Establishment or None.

General Settings tab

Screen Name Page
Tax Type pop-up window General Settings tab
Type Name Details
Field Tax Type Reference The reference type of a tax type (used to trigger the functionality of the system). Pop-up LOV showing the tax type references from the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = TAX TYPE REFERENCES.
Validation rules:
Only one tax type with reference Value Added Tax is allowed, otherwise, a message is generated -6093 “You cannot have more than one tax type with tax type reference equal to "Value Added Tax".”
Field Budget Type The type of budget associated to the tax type. This information is used for reports and accounting information.
Popup LOV showing the budget types from the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = BUDGET TYPE
Field Income Type The type of the income. This information allows regrouping tax types in the cashing and other accounting reports. For example, “Income Tax” can regroup “Personal Income Tax”, “Corporate Income Tax”,” Interest Income Tax”, etc.
Popup LOV showing the income types from the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = INCOME TYPE
Field Document code Indicates the code to be added as a prefix on documents that have the check box Is Payment Document selected in the page Document Type (509:15111).
Manually captured
Check box Licence If checked, the tax type is licence-based
Check box Display in Stat. Reports If selected, the tax type is displayed on certain statistic management reports.
Default value: Checked
Check box Use Criteria If checked, then we can use the rates associated with the products linked to the tax type licence
Validation rules:
The Check box is enabled only if Licence is checked.
Check box Print Trade Name If selected, the trade name of enterprises is printed on the remittance forms.
Disabled by default
Check box Use Rate Zone If checked, then then we can use the rate zone associated with the products linked to the tax type licence.
Validation rules:
The Check box is enabled only if Licence and Use Criteria are checked.
Disabled by default
Check box Use Revenue Code If selected, a revenue code is required for the tax type.
Check box Consolidated If selected, the type of tax in the top block (the parent tax type) is consolidated with other tax types on the same form
Check box Against a Tax Account If checked it indicates that the tax type is against a tax account.
Default value: Checked
Validation rules:
(1)Automatically checked once Exempted Tax or Suspended Tax is checked
(2)If Exempted Tax or Suspended Tax is checked, THEN Against a Tax Account cannot be unchecked
(3)If the Tax Type is not intermittent (Intermittence = Never Intermittent) or either Instalment or Instalments by Default is checked (prepayments are involved), THEN Against a Tax Account and Tax Period Mandatory must be checked, otherwise an error message is raised -30511 ‘The settings for the tax type flags "Against a Tax Account", "Tax Period Mandatory", "Intermittence" and Installments do not correspond.’
(4)If checked, THEN Imm Assess Late Pymt Not Allowed is automatically disabled.
(5)If unchecked, THEN Imm Assess Late Pymt Not Allowed is automatically enabled.
Check box Taxable Object If checked it indicates that the tax type is applicable only to taxable objects.
Manually captured
Check box Tax Period Mandatory If checked it indicates that the tax period is mandatory. This check box is only used when dealing with immediate assessments.
Default value: Checked
Validation rules:
(1) If the Tax Type is not intermittent (Intermittence = Never Intermittent) or either Instalment or Instalments by Default is checked, THEN Against a Tax Account and Tax Period Mandatory must be checked, otherwise an error message is raised -30511 "The settings for the tax type flags Against a Tax Account, Tax Period Mandatory, Intermittence and Installments do not correspond."
(2) If the tax type is intermittent and Against a Tax Account is not checked THEN Tax Period Mandatory should be unchecked, otherwise an error message is raised -30511 "The settings for the tax type flags Against a Tax Account, Tax Period Mandatory, Intermittence and Installments do not correspond."
Check box Installment If checked then taxes of this type are separate from the parent tax - eg. "CIT Instalment." This tax's TAX_TYPE_NO value must be put into the "parent tax" HAS_INST_TAX_TYPE_NO of FORM_VERSION table (the "parent tax" being the one with INSTALL_BY_DEF = Y).
Validation rules:
If checked, THEN Against a Tax Account and Tax Period Mandatory must be checked, otherwise an error message is raised -30511 "The settings for the tax type flags Against a Tax Account, Tax Period Mandatory, Intermittence and Installments do not correspond."
Check box Use loss carry-forward/carry-backward A selected check box signifies that this tax type may use the carry forward or backward mechanism.
Check box Non-Fiscal Revenue If selected, then the type of tax is considered as non-fiscal revenue. The label "Fee" will be printed (instead of "Tax") on letters and notices for this tax type.
Note: Some tax types may be considered as fees instead of taxes. For example the administration fees required to open a new taxpayer application profile that would only be applicable one time. To avoid confusion between “fee” and “tax” on letter/reminders for these fees, it is possible to indicate which term to print on notices according to this check box status.
Check box Use Credit Carry-Forward If checked then the use of Other credits carry-forward is enabled, and the credit can be carried forward to the next period if the LTT field is Total Credit for Current Period.
Check box Available for Tax Agent Filing Program If checked, then a tax agent filing program can be created for the tax. If not, then it can't.
Check box Allow Auto Carry-Forward Allows the system administrator to specify whether credits from one tax period will be carried to the subsequent tax period.
Validation rules:
(1) If checked, credits will be forwarded to the subsequent tax period. In this case, the checkbox “Carry Forward Overpayments with Credits” is enabled;
(2) If unchecked, credits are not forwarded. In this case, the checkbox “Carry Forward Overpayments with Credits” is automatically unchecked and disabled. All the time, regardless of whether the tax type has already been used or not, the system administrator can check/uncheck this checkbox.
Changing the checkbox will cause the following confirmation message to be displayed: “You should never change this value. All assessments done after the change, even for periods in the past, will use this new setting. Are you sure you want to make this change?”. If Yes, the value is modified, and the following information message is displayed “Please check past assessments that might need reassessing because of this change”.
Check box Show on eFiling If checked it indicates that this tax type can be displayed on eTax (a tax agent filing program can be created for the tax.)
Check box Carry Forward Overpayments with Credits (1) If checked, then carry forward both excess credits and overpayments to the subsequent tax period
(2) If unchecked, then carry forward only excess credits (not overpayments) to the subsequent tax period
(3) This check box is enabled only If Allow Auto Carry-Forward is checked. Otherwise, it is disabled and unchecked.
Check box Suspended Tax Used in the page Create Exonerated and Suspended Project (502:6002). If checked, this tax type is displayed among the list of suspended and exonerated tax types.
Validation rules: >/br>(1) If checked, then Against a Tax Account is automatically checked
(2) Suspended Tax and Exempted Tax cannot be checked at the same time (if one is checked, the second is automatically unchecked.)
Check box Tax Credit Offsets Tax Only (1) If checked, tax credits can be used only to offset tax.
(2) If unchecked, credits can be used to offset debts in tax, penalties and interests.
Check box Exempted Tax Used in the page Create Exonerated and Suspended Project (502:6002). If checked, this tax type is displayed among the list of suspended and exonerated tax types.
Validation rules:
(1) If checked, then Against a Tax Account is automatically checked
(2) Suspended Tax and Exempted Tax cannot be checked at the same time (if one is checked, the second is automatically unchecked)
Check box Length of Initial Suspension (in days) Number of days of initial suspension. If this value is > 0 then allow to create an inactivity period type Initially Suspended at the creation of tax account
Default value: 0
Check box Allow Assessment in Foreign Currencies Flag to indicate if the assessment in a foreign currency is allowed, for the tax type.
Validation rules:
(1) This check box is enabled only if the MULTICURRENCY_START_DATE in Specific Rules (page 509:2230) is not null. Otherwise, it is disabled and unchecked.
(2) If checked, then the value of Default Currency is a LOV selected from the page List of Currency (509:16110). Otherwise it contains the national currency in display only mode.
Field Delay for Tax Account Dormancy (in days) Represents the delay the system should consider before modifying a tax account status to Dormant.
Default value: 0
Field Default Currency Indicates the default currency to be used for tax accounts.
(1) Enabled only when the check box Allow Assessment in Foreign Currencies is selected.
(2) If Allow Assessment in Foreign Currencies is checked, then the Default Currency is a popup LOV showing the list of active currencies (having the check box Active selected in the page List of Currency (509:16110). Otherwise it contains the national currency in display only mode.
Default value: National Currency.
Field External Tax Code for Interfaces External code used for interfaces and data loading.
Validation rules:
The External Tax Code should be unique, otherwise, an error message is generated -7737 “This External Tax Code already exists, please enter a unique value.”
Field Intermittence Determines whether filing for the tax type in question is mandatory or optional
Select List with possible values:
Always Intermittent
Optionally Intermittent
Never Intermittent
Validation rules:
(1)If the Tax Type is not intermittent (Intermittence = "Never Intermittent"), THEN Against a Tax Account AND Tax Period Mandatory must be checked, otherwise an error message is raised -30511 "The settings for the tax type flags Against a Tax Account, Tax Period Mandatory, Intermittence and Installments do not correspond."
Default value: Never Intermittent
Check box Imm Assess Late Pymt Not Allowed If checked then payments with an expired (due date passed) immediate assessment document in cashing screen “Capture Payment” (507:2001) are no longer allowed.
Disabled by default
Enabled only if Against a Tax Account is unchecked

Installment Calc tab

Screen Name Page
Tax Type pop-up window Installment Calc tab
Type Name Details
Check box Installments by Default If selected, it indicates that taxes of this type are normally paid by instalments.
Must be checked for taxes that require instalment payments, whether the instalments are managed within this tax or managed via a separate tax - eg. "Corporate Income Tax (CIT)".
If there is a separate instalment tax type, then this other tax type must be specified in HAS_INST_TAX_TYPE_NO of FORM_VERSION table.
Validation rules:
If Instalments by Default is checked, THEN Against a Tax Account and Tax Period Mandatory must be checked, otherwise an error message is raised -30511 “The settings for the tax type flags Against a Tax Account, Tax Period Mandatory, Intermittence and Installments do not correspond.”
Check box Apply due date one year before If checked, the due dates for all instalments associated to the tax type are to be calculated one year before the tax period year configured in Tax Periods page (509:15721).
Validation rules:
Changing the checkbox will cause the following confirmation message to be displayed: 10481 "MODIFYING THE FLAG “APPLY DUE DATE ONE YEAR BEFORE” MIGHT AFFECT THE PAYMENT DUE DATE OF EXISTING INSTALLMENTS. DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE?". If Yes, the value is modified.

Refund Settings tab

Screen Name Page
Tax Type pop-up window Refund Settings tab
Type Name Details
Check box Refund request form if required If selected, means that the only type of document that will be accepted in the Register Refund screen (513:2001) is a “Refund Request” document.
Check box Check minimum refundable amount after (not before) transfers If selected, the final amount to be refunded (after all transfers of amounts that are due to Tax Administration under other Tax Types) is compared to the amount in the field Minimum amount for which refund will be given.
Default value: Checked
Check box Unapproved refund amount is used to pay amounts owing
(1) If checked, then refund amounts that have been requested, but not yet approved, can be used against the amounts owing for the assessment being calculated, and included in the amount being carried forward.
(2) If unchecked, then refund amounts that have been requested, but not yet approved, cannot be used (they are “frozen” in the period for which the request was made).
Note: A tax refund amount that has been approved cannot be used against tax debts for the assessments being calculated.
Check box Payment is issued by an external body (1) If selected, the approval and payment information must all be entered at the same time.
(2) If deselected, the approval information is entered first and the payment information is entered later.
Field Minimum amount for which refund will be given Specifies the minimum amount for which refund will be given.
Validation rules:
This field is disabled only if the tax type is VAT (Tax Type reference = “Value added Tax”, in the General Settings tab) and the checkbox Use VAT Registration Module is selected in Specific Rules page (509:2230), otherwise it is enabled.
Manually captured
Default value: 0
Field Minimum number of periods in surplus before requesting a refund Specifies the minimum number of consecutive months during which a VAT tax account must be in credit before a taxpayer may request a VAT refund.
Validation rules:
For a VAT tax type, If the checkbox Use VAT Registration Module is selected in Specific Rules page (509:2230), then this field is disabled, otherwise it is enabled.
For all the other tax types, this field is always disabled.
Default value: blank
Check box Administrative Refund Form is required for Refunds If selected, then the button Print in the screen Register Refund (513:2001) must be pressed and the report Refund Administrative Form (CA713R) must be printed before the refund can be approved, if the refund is linked to an assessment of the given tax type.
Check box Bank information is required for Administrative Refund Form If selected, then the bank information of the taxpayer must be entered in the screen Register Refund (513:2001) before the report Refund Administrative Form (CA713R) can be printed.
Check box Paid by certificate If checked, then the refund is paid by CDD (refer to Refund module)
Check box Certificate Prescription Month Validation of expiry date of the certificate (refer to Refund module)
Check box Certificate minimum amount The minimum amount to be paid by certificate (refer to Refund module)

Various tab

Screen Name Page
Tax Type pop-up window Various tab
Type Name Details
Field LOV Taxpayer type The type of taxpayer for whom the Tax Type is to be created.
LOV provided by List of Taxpayer Types (509:15000) screen. Values restricted to ‘Individual’ and ‘Enterprise’ only.
Button Save Saves the Tax Type information, closes the Tax Type window and redirects the user to the List of Tax Types page which will be refreshed with the new line.
Validation rules:
If Use Criteria is unchecked and Use Rate Zone is checked then an error message is generated -8257 “The field use rate zone can be checked only when the field use criteria is checked.”
Button Delete Displayed only while updating an existing Tax Type
Validation rules:If this Tax Type has matching detail, then an error message is generated -30427 “You cannot delete master record when matching detail records exist.”