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Documentation | User Guide

Create Tax Functions - Configuration Details

This page displays configuration details about creating tax functions.

List of Tax Functions

Screen Name Page
List of Tax Functions 509:7025
Type Name Details
Display Field Tax Function Name Displays the tax funciton name
Display Field Version Displays the tax function version
Display Field Function Type Displays the type of the tax function.
Button Create A click on this button redirects the user to the page Tax Function (509:7026) allowing the user to add new tax functions and configure their input parameters.
Available only for users having assigned the “Developer” role.
Button Edit icon A click on this icon opens the Tax Function page(509:7026) allowing the user to view tax function details, to create a new version of a tax function and to modify or to delete a tax function.

Tax Function

Screen Name Page
Tax Fonction 509:7026
Type Name Details
LOV Function Type Indicates the type of function.A LOV is available from the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = ‘TAX_FUNCTION_TYPE’.
Available only if the user has been granted the “Developer” role and the tax function is not used by a tax form or a schedule.
Field Tax Function Name Free text to enter a unique name for the tax function.
Available only if the user has been granted the “Developer” role and the tax function is not used by a tax form or a schedule and this is the only version created for this tax function.
Display Field Version The tax function version.
Automatically generated by the system in sequence when a new version is created..
When the first version is created, it contains the value “1”.
Display Field Version Creation Date The date on which each version has been created.
Automatically displays today’s date when a new version is created.
Field Description Free text describing the tax function.
Available only if the user has been granted the “Developer” role and the tax function is not used by a tax form or a schedule.
Field Query Select Statement This field is used by a programmer to specify which data will be retrieved after querying the database.
This field is disabled if the field Procedure/Function is entered.
Display only If the user has not been granted the “Developer” role or the tax function is already used by a tax form or a schedule.
LOV Procedures/Functions Allows the programmer to select the procedure or the function containing the logic to be used as the body of the tax function.
Functions/procedures should be created in PL/SQL packages not standalone.
(1) A procedure is a subprogram that performs a specific action.
A function is a subprogram that returns a single value.
A LOV is available from SIGTAS table “procedure_function” where the functions and procedures are stored by the programmers.
This field is disabled if the field Query Select Statement is entered.
Insertions and updates are only allowed to users having assigned the “Developer” role, for tax functions not used by a tax form or a schedule.
Bottom section (Input parameters)
Screen Name Page
Tax Fonction 509:7026
Type Name Details
Display Field Input Parameter The input parameter (special type of variables) defined as part of the “Query”, “Procedure” or “Function” of the tax function.
Display Field Input Parameter Type Displays the data type of the input parameter.
Display Field Input Parameter Value Displays the value of the input parameter.
Button Create A click on this button redirects the user to the Input Parameter page (509:7027) allowing the user to add new parameters to the tax function.
The button is available:•
(1) After saving a newly created tax function if a “Query Select Statement” has been entered.
(2) In update mode if the user has been granted the “Developer” role and the tax function is not used by a form or a schedule and a “Query Select Statement” has been entered.
Button Delete All Input Parameters Deletes all the parameters of the tax function.
The button is available:
(1) After saving a newly created tax function if a “Query Select Statement” has been entered. (2) In update mode if the user has been granted the “Developer” role and the tax function is not used by a form or a schedule and a “Query Select Statement” has been entered.
Button Save Creation mode: Once a newly created tax function is saved, then:
(1) If a “Query Select Statement” has been entered, then Create and Delete All Input Parameters buttons are enabled allowing the user to define input parameters.
(2) Else, the “List of Input Parameters” of the selected procedure/function is automatically generated and displayed (no button is available).
Update mode: Saves the changes.
This button is enabled only if the user has been granted the “Developer” role and the tax function is not used by a tax form or by a schedule.
Validation rules:
(1) A query select statement, or a procedure/function should be entered, otherwise an error message is raised -6304 “Please enter a query select statement or select a procedure/function.(2) "A unique name should me entered for each tax function version.
(3) Check the syntax of the entered query select statement (if any). In case of problem an error message is raised - 9565 “Query syntax incorrect” followed by the original error message explaining the problem.
Button Validate Statement Checks the syntax of the entered query select statement. In case of problem an error message is raised -9565 “Query syntax incorrect” followed by the original error message explaining the problem.
Validation rules:
Disabled if the field Procedure/Function is entered.
Button Delete Displayed only while consulting an existing tax function. <br /Validation rules:<br /It is not allowed to delete a tax function having input parameters.
Button Create New Version A new version must be created if there are changes to a tax function after the function has been already executed and used in a tax form or in a tax schedule for an assessment/reassessment/estimated assessment.
When clicked, the system will copy the “Tax Function” with a new version number. This version is updatable and can accept changes.
Displayed only while consulting the last version of an existing tax function.
Input Parameter popup window
Screen Name Page
Input parameter popup window 509:7027
Type Name Details
Field Input Parameter The input parameter name (special type of variables) defined as part of the “Query”, “Procedure” or “Function” of the tax function.
This field is enterable as free text if a “Query Select Statement” has been entered and the user has been granted the “Developer” role and the tax function is not used by a tax form or a schedule.
Validation rules:
Input parameter should be unique, otherwise an error message is raised - 9680 “A row exists with the same input parameter.”
LOV Input Parameter Type Displays the data type of the input parameter.
This field is enterable; a LOV is available, if a “Query Select Statement” has been entered and the user has been granted the “Developer” role and the tax function is not used by a tax form or a schedule.
Field Input Parameter Value Displays the value of the input parameter.
The value for each input parameter will behave according to the selected parameter type.
A LOV is available, for parameters of type (“Cell Total Type”, “Line Total Type”, “Predefined”, “Imposition Base”, “Line Submitted Value”). Otherwise the parameter value is enterable as free text.
This field is available for all users when the tax function is not used by a tax form or a schedule.
Button Save Temporarily records the input parameter information, closes the popup window Input Parameter (509:7027) and redirects the user to the page Tax Function (509:7026) which will be refreshed with the new parameter information.
Click on Save button on the page Tax Function in order to save the entered input parameters information.
Available only if a “Query Select Statement” has been entered and the user has been granted the “Developer” role and the tax function is not used by a tax form or a schedule.
Button Save and create Temporarily records the input parameter information, keeps the user on the same window and clear all fields in order to be able to capture a new input parameter.
Available only if a “Query Select Statement” has been entered and the tax function is not used by a tax form or a schedule.
Click on Save button on the page Tax Function in order to save the entered input parameters information
Button Delete Deletes an input parameter.
Available only in update mode if a “Query Select Statement” has been entered and the user has been granted the “Developer” role and the tax function is not used by a tax form or a schedule.