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Documentation | User Guide

Display penalties and interest calculation summary - Configuration details

This page displays configuration details about penalties and interest calculation summary.

Penalty and Interest Calculation Summary

Screen Name Page
Penalty and Interest Calculation Summary 509:15560
Type Name Details
LoV Job No A LoV that displays the list of jobs generated in the screen Calculate Penalty and Interest (509:15230). A click on the LoV redirects the user to the Select a Job popup (509:15541)
Default value: Null
Once selected, the job information, the calculated penalties/interests and a list of generated errors are automatically displayed.
If the page Penalty and Interest Calculation Summary is called by clicking on the Summary Report button in the page Calculate Penalty and Interest (509:15230) then this field displays automatically the generated job.
Display field Date run The date the job has been submitted
Display field Time run The time when the job has been submitted
Display field Status The job status (Errors, Warnings, Okay)
Display field Submitted by The user who submitted the job
Display field Tax Type The tax type of the submitted job.
Display field Tax division The tax division of the submitted job.
Display field Number of Errors / Warnings The number of Errors / Warnings generated by the job
Display field Number of Transactions Created The number of transactions created by the job

List of Penalties and Interests tab

Screen Name Page
Penalty and Interest Calculation Summary List of Penalties and Interests tab
Type Name Details
Display Field Tax Account No. Tax Account for which the transaction has been generated
Display Field Taxpayer Name The taxpayer for whom the transaction has been generated
Display Field Date Applied Transaction date
Display field Assessment No. The assessment for which the transaction has been generated
Display field Tax Period The tax period of the transaction
Display field Penalty/Interest Amount Amount of the transaction
Display field Reason The reason of the transaction (penalty type or “Interest”.)

List of Errors tab

Screen Name Page
Penalty and Interest Calculation Summary List of of Errors tab
Type Name Details
Display Field Error No. The number automatically assigned by SIGTAS to each error generated
Display Field Error Date The date when the error is generated.
Display Field Batch No. The batch number associated to the assessment if any.
Display Field Assessment No. The assessment for which the error has been generated
Display Field TIN The taxpayer TIN for whom the error has been generated
Display Field SIGTAS Correspondence The correspondence configured for the taxpayer.
Display Field Document No. The document for which the error has been generated
Display Field Tax Period The document for which the error has been generated
Display Field Error Message A message to explain the reason for which the transaction has not been created
Button Refresh Refreshes the Penalty and Interest Calculation Summary information according to the applied selection criteria (selected job)