Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Manage security components

In Workflow, security components are managed at the role level. They are the ones who determine the type of access to be granted to the user. By default, all roles have access to the To Do Dashboard. The check boxes allow you to determine access to the Supervisor Dashboard and/or System Administrator Dashboard. This segment of the guide explains how to assign access to the system administrator and/or supervisor dashboards.

Step 1 - Go to the Maintain Roles page
  1. Go to the Security section;
  2. Click on the Maintain Roles option. This opens the page Maintain Roles (604:3001);

Step 2 - Assign access
  1. Find the role requiring assignment;
  2. Check the desired option (System Admin / Supervisor). This action confirms the access type and refreshes the Maintain Roles page automatically (604:3001).