Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Print a remittance form

This part of the guide explains how to print a remittance form for a taxpayer.

SIGTAS allows a user to generate a remittance according to the Filing due date or the Tax period.

The following example demonstrates how to print a remittance form according to the filing due date. This procedure is standardized and applies also to the printing of a remittance form according to the tax period.

Step 1 - Go to the page Remittance Form for a Taxpayer

  1. Go to the Assessment module;
  2. Choose the Taxpayer's Documents option;
  3. Click on the Remittance menu. This action opens the Remittance Form for a Taxpayer page (502:3001);

Step 2 - Print a remittance form from a taxpayer according to the filing due date

  1. Go to the General section;
  2. Fill out the required fields (identified by a red asterisk *). For example, TIN;
  3. Go to the Generate Remittance section;
  4. By using the radio button, choose the Filing Due Date option;
  5. Fill out the required fields (identified by a red asterisk *). For example, From. This action opens the Confirmation window;
  6. Click the Yes button. This action prints the remittance form in PDF format.