Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Base tables

The tables below list the cross-references between the data configured in the Administration value tables and the Base Tables functionalities


SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create Assessment Comparaison 509:15781 Form No Operations/Forms/Tax Form 509:1004


SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create Prorata Formula 509:12000 Form No Operations/Forms/Tax Form 509:1004
Create Prorata Formula 509:12000 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001

Balance Sheet

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create Balance Sheet Element 509:8002 Type of Element Base Tables/Balance Sheet Element Type 509:8051


SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create Letter or Reminder 509:15681 Letter Type Base Tables/Documents/Letter Types509:15210


SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create an Installment Rate 509:15670 Letter Title Base Tables/Documents/Letter/Letter/Reminders/Lettre No 509:15681

Internal Affairs

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create Tax Division 509:3072 City Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Create Tax Division 509:3072 Countries Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Create Tax Division 509:3072 Region Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Create Tax Type Account 509:15440 Renenue Code Base Tables/Payments/Transactions/Revenue Code 509:15260
Create Tax Type Account 509:15440 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001


SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create Licence Base 509:16430 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Create Licence Rate 509:15461 Rate Class Code Base Tables/Licenses/Rate Class 509:15430


SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create Carry-Forward Rules 509:16200 Carry-Forward Type Base tables/Loss/Carry-Forward Type 509:16210
Create Carry-Forward Rules 509:16200 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001


SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Migrated Compare Data 509:8901 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3072


SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create Bank Account 509:15370 Bank Branch Base Tables/Payments/Transactions/Bank Branche 509:15450
Create Bank Branch 509:15450 Bank Name Base Tables/Payments/Transactions/Banks 509:16100
Create Payment Account 509:16141 Currency Base Tables/Payments/Transactions/Currency 509:16110
Create Payment Location Deposit Account 509:15400 Bank Account Base Table/Payments/Transactions/Bank Account 509:15370
Create Revenue Code 509:15260 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001


SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Link Product to Tax Type 509:15080 Product Base Tables/Products/Product 509:15020
Link Product to Tax Type 509:15080 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001

Tax Account

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create Automatic Tax Account Creation Rule 509:7020 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001

Tax Agent

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create Filing Program Target 509:16710 Tax Period Operations/Forms/Tax Period 509:15720
Create Filing Program Target 509:16710 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001

Tax Info

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Add Taxable Object to a Tax Type 509:2048 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Link Exemption Code to Tax Type 509:15620 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001

Tax Roll

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create Automatic Tax Division Designation Rule 509:7030 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3072

Taxable Objects

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create Model 509:2110 Type Base Tables/Taxable Objects/Type 509:2120

Taxpayer Info

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Assign Taxpayer Validation to a Document Type 509:16870 TDocument Type Base Tables/Document/Letter/Document Type 509:15110
Create Risk Assessment 509:15651 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Link Request Type to Document Type 509:15320 Document Type Base Tables/Document/Letter/Document Type 509:15110