Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Tax Account

The following tables list the cross-references between the data configured in the Administration module value tables and the Tax Account module pages.

Tax Accounts

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Add Carry-Forward 503:2001 Carry-Forward Type Base Tables/Loss/Carry-Forward Type 509:16210
Add Imposition Base 503:2001 Imposition Base Operations/Forms/Imposition Base 509:2044
Add Representative 503:2001 Representative Reason Base Tables/Tax Agent 509:15070
Add Representative 503:2001 Representative Type Base Tables/Tax Agent 509:15060
DisplayTax Accounts 503:2000 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001

Inactivity Periods

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create Inactivity Period 503:2001 Exemption Code Base Tables/Tax Info/Exemption Code 509:15610
Create Inactivity Period 503:2001 Licence Base Base Tables/Licences/Add a Licence Base for a Tax Type 509:16430
Create Inactivity Period 503:2001 Type of Inactivity Standard Base Tables 509:6000

Documents in Batch

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create Account Statement 503:2022 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3072
Create Account Statement 503:2022 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001

Transfer Taxpayers

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Display Transfer of Tax Accounts 503:3025 New Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3072
Display Transfer of Taxpayers 503:3030 Actual Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3072


SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Create Tax Account Adjustment 503:2032 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Create Tax Account Adjustment per Tax Period 503:2032 Tax Period From Operations/Forms/Tax Period 509:15720
Print Imposition Bases of VAT Tax Accounts 503:6003 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3072


SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Report - Accounts in Arrears 503:10004 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3072
Report - Accounts in Arrears 503:10004 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Report - Licenses 503:10005 ax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3072
Report - Licenses 503:10005 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Report - List of Tax Accounts 503:10001 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Division 509:3072
Report - List of Tax Accounts 503:10001 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001
Report - List of VAT Credit Filers 503:10008 Tax Period From Operations/Forms/Tax Period 509:15720
Report - List of VAT Credit Filers 503:10008 Tax Period To Operations/Forms/Tax Period 509:15720
Report - Global Statistics 503:10000 Tax Type Operations/Forms/Tax Type 509:1001