Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 2201 to 2300

The following table displays error message codes from 2201 to 2300.

Message Code Description
2201 The spouse is under age.
2202 The spouse already exists with the same taxpayer no, spouse no. and marriage date.
2203 The marital status for the taxpayer has changed to married.
2204 The marital status for the taxpayer has changed to divorced.
2205 Please enter a date before running this report.
2206 A row already exists with the same penalty no, and penalty scale no.
2207 This line total type no. does not exist.
2208 This Where to apply does not exist.
2209 This When to apply does not exist.
2210 This penalty type does not exist.
2211 The query of a penalty scale must be in the context of a penalty.
2212 The insertion of a penalty scale must be in the context of a penalty.
2213 You cannot delete a penalty while a dependent tax type penalty exists.
2214 You cannot delete a penalty while a dependent tax sub transaction exists.
2215 You cannot delete a penalty while a dependent penalty scale exists.
2216 No primary key row has been found for the value in the pen_type_no.
2217 A row already exists with the same pen_type_no., pen_when_no., rate and minimum.
2218 No primary key row has been found for the value in the pen_when_no.
2219 No primary key row has been found for the value in the pen_where_no.
2220 The pen_scale end_day must be after the pen_scale start_day.
2221 The minimum rate must be entered.
2222 A row already exists with the same start date, penalty no. and tax type no.
2223 A record already exists with the same values.
2224 No primary key row has been found for the value in the pen_no.
2225 A penalty of this type is already active on this start date.
2226 This minimum rate does not exist.
2227 Please enter a tax type and/or penalty no.
2228 The end date must be later than the start date.
2229 This form does not exist, or is not for this tax type.
2230 Invalid i.r.d. Form line no.
2231 Ensure that the end date is earlier than %1.
2232 You cannot delete a job while a dependent error log exists.
2233 You cannot delete a job while a dependent document exists.
2234 The job has not been run yet, or does not exist.
2235 Please enter the number of copies desired.
2236 A row already exists with the same job no.
2237 A job no. is required.
2238 The minimum limit amount must not be less than 0.
2239 The percentage must not be greater than 100.
2240 The percentage must not be less than 0.
2241 Already assigned to the taxpayer.
2242 The To date cannot be earlier than the From date.
2243 The To date cannot be earlier than 01-01-1960.
2244 The date cannot be earlier than 10-10-1960.
2245 The taxpayer is already assigned to the spouse #:
2246 In this period.
2247 This letter title does not exist.
2248 The query of an individual spouse must be in the context of an individual.
2249 The insertion of an individual spouse must be in the context of an individual.
2250 No values are available for
2251 Marital status for
2252 Changed to married.
2253 Changed to divorced.
2254 Are you sure you want only those assessments with more than $.
2255 No job no. is available.
2256 Difference?
2257 The job no. did not run.
2258 The letter title is required.
2259 A date is required.
2260 A time is required.
2261 Do you want to print letters/reminders for all taxpayers?
2262 Are you sure you want to print letters/reminders for all taxpayers?
2263 The submitted time should be at least 20 minutes ahead of the current time.
2264 No sequence numbers are available for these jobs.
2265 The tax type is required for the printing of reminders.
2266 The tax period is required for the printing of reminders.
2267 The fiscal end month is required.
2268 The month no. is invalid.
2269 Invalid value. Enter y or n.
2270 The print receipt should be set to 'y' for the printing of reminders.
2271 Invalid date. The date must be later than the current date.
2272 Input time has already passed.
2273 You cannot delete a tax type while a dependent form exists.
2274 A row already exists with the same tax type no.
2275 A record already exists with the same tax type description.
2276 This TIN does not exist.
2277 The taxpayer must be entered.
2278 You cannot delete a tax transaction while a dependent tax sub transaction exists.
2279 Please enter a start date for the report.
2280 Please enter an end date for the report.
2281 The end date cannot be earlier than the start date.
2282 Please enter a start and an end date before running this report.
2283 Y.
2284 The tax type is required for a reminder.
2285 The taxpayer has no document with this tax type outstanding.
2286 The taxpayer has no document with this establishment outstanding.
2287 The taxpayer has no document with this license outstanding.
2288 The tax period is required for a reminder.
2289 The taxpayer has no outstanding document with this tax period.
2290 No tax period exists for this tax type.
2291 The taxpayer name is required.
2292 There is no document to print.
2293 Please enter a tax division.
2294 A job no. must be entered.
2295 There are no documents to be printed.
2300 This center does not exist.