The following table displays error message codes from 30501 to 30600.
Message Code | Description |
30501 | For Loss, you are authorized to enter standard period type only if the period is equal or greater than %1. |
30502 | You are authorized to enter standard period type only if the filing due date (calendar periods) is equal or greater than %1 or the period (fiscal periods) is equal or greater than %2. |
30503 | You are not authorized to enter legacy period type. SIGTAS first installation date is missing. |
30504 | Legacy tax periods must not be of type: %1. |
30505 | For the same case no., we should have the same taxpayer and the same inactivity period status on all records. |
30506 | Tax function "%1" not found. |
30507 | Please note that a tax account will be created only if the enterprise has at least an employee or an estimated number of employees. |
30508 | This file is not compatible with the selected data source type. Please check the file format and ensure that the encoding is UTF8. |
30509 | This tax period is enrolled. Are you sure you want to proceed with the reassessment without a batch attached to a fiscal role? |
30510 | Are you sure you want to %1 this certificate? |
30511 | The settings for the tax type flags "Against a Tax Account", "Tax Period Mandatory", "Intermittence" and Installments do not correspond. |
30512 | According to the configuration, you do not have privileges to perform this action in the tax division: %1. |
30513 | Please enter a value in "%1" and/or "%2". |
30514 | The total number of employees must equal the sum of national and foreign employees. |
30515 | The CDD certificate status must be "Cashed" to be able to use it for a payment. |
30516 | You cannot delete the officer, because this officer exists among the contacts for this collection case. |
30517 | Either "%1" or "%2" can be entered. You cannot enter both at the same time. |
30518 | You cannot delete this reason because this unregistered individual is already linked as "%1". |
30519 | This reason has already been assigned to this unregistered individual. |
30520 | If checked, the penalty is applied only if there is no other penalty of same type already applied for the tax period. |
30521 | If checked, the fixed penalty amount (Minimum/Amount or Nil/Creditor Flat Fee) is multiplied by the number of months that the declaration was filed late. |
30522 | If "Penalty multiplied by the number of months being late" is checked, you must have: "Penalty Rate" = 0, "When to Apply" = "Once" and Minimum/Amount" and/or "Nil/Creditor Flat Fee". |
30523 | If unchecked, when printing a batch of assessment notices, a notice is not printed for an assessment with a credit balance. |
30524 | There is an open payment agreement associated with this collection case. |
30525 | If checked, the calculated penalty amount cannot be changed under any circumstances when reassessing - i.e. once an assessment notice has been printed. |
30526 | The Approval information will not be saved until the adjustment is approved. |
30527 | The "Print Header - Footer Images" is checked, please ensure that the "Header / Footer" images are stored on the server. |
30528 | If "Print Header - Footer Images" is checked, ensure that the "Header / Footer" images are stored on the server. |
30529 | The distributed from date must not be greater than the distributed to date. |
30530 | The tax period of the selected %1 is not enrolled. It must be associated to a non enrolled batch in order to be captured. |
30531 | At least one value is longer than the allowed length or cannot be converted to a number. |
30532 | There is no licence associated with this tax account. Please assign a licence before proceeding. |
30533 | No printed remittance has been found. |
30534 | Do you want the current owner continues to keep plate number? |
30535 | You cannot delete this record while exoneration source records exist for this exemption code. |
30536 | One representative must be main representative. |
30537 | You cannot add a tax rate when there is an existing active rate. |
30538 | A cart with status "%1" cannot be updated. |
30539 | You cannot transfer from and to the same %1. |
30540 | The transfer is canceled due to inconsistency between "Number of Assessments" and "Number of Captured Assessments" on batch %1. Refresh before doing Transfer. |
30541 | This document is not supported. Please use the standard payment functionality. |
30542 | %1 of the period must be specified. |
30543 | The turnover amount must be positive or equal to zero. |
30544 | The assessment cannot be deleted because it has already been calculated before being updated. |
30545 | Available to be linked. |
30546 | Please select at least one tax account to apply the payment. |
30547 | Please select a record before clicking this button. |
30548 | Please note that any translation modification will only be seen tomorrow. |
30549 | This cart has already been processed and has the status "%1". |
30550 | Please enter a value in "%1" before capturing its translation. |
30551 | The email must have a value. |
30552 | This email address already exists in our system. Please use the Login Form. |
30553 | This email format is incorrect. |
30554 | This username already exists in our system. Please choose another one. |
30555 | The confirm email must have a value. |
30556 | The email and confirm email must be identical. |
30557 | The username must have a value. |
30558 | The password must have a value. |
30559 | The confirm password must have a value. |
30560 | The confirm password must be identical to the password. |
30561 | The username must be longer than six characters. |
30562 | The password must be longer than six characters and combine both letters and numbers. |
30563 | Question 1 is required. |
30564 | Question 2 is required. |
30565 | Question 3 is required. |
30566 | Answer 1 is required. |
30567 | Answer 2 is required. |
30568 | Answer 3 is required. |
30569 | Questions must be different. |
30570 | RECAPTCH must have a value. |
30571 | This field should be alphanumeric. |
30572 | There is no user associated to this e-mail address. |
30573 | The email address must have a value. |
30574 | The answer you have entered is wrong. |
30576 | Please complete the following steps : %1. |
30577 | You must enter at least %1 records for this form. |
30578 | %1 is invalid. |
30579 | The birthday date incorrect date format entered. |
30580 | The deceased date incorrect date format entered. |
30581 | The start date incorrect date format entered. |
30582 | The end date incorrect date format entered. |
30583 | %1 incorrect date format entered. |
30584 | %1 is mandatory. |
30585 | This condition must be achieved: %1. |
30586 | The birth date should be less than the current date. |
30587 | Invalid %1. |
30588 | %1 must be less than the current date. |
30589 | Invalid numeric format for %1. |
30590 | You must enter a place of birth or a region of birth. |
30591 | The start date should be greater than or equal to the birth date. |
30592 | The end date should be greater than or equal to the start date. |
30594 | The marriage end date should be greater or equal to the marriage date. |
30595 | The start date should be less or equal than the current date. |
30596 | The end date should be less or equal than the current date. |
30597 | The marriage date should be less or equal than the current date. |
30598 | The marriage separation date should be less or equal than the current date. |
30599 | The marriage end date should be less or equal than the current date. |
30600 | The separation date should be less or equal than the current date. |