Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 1401 to 1500

The following table displays error message codes from 1401 to 1400.

Message Code Description
1401 You cannot delete a batch while a dependent assessment exists.
1402 A row already exists with the same batch user no.
1403 The due date must be greater or equal than the created date.
1404 No primary key row has been found for the value in employee no.
1405 A row already exists with the same batch no.
1406 Invalid month. Please re-enter.
1407 The created from date must not be greater than the created to date.
1408 The created from date must be less than or equal to the printed from date.
1409 The created to date must be greater than or equal to the created from date.
1410 The printed from date must not be greater than the printed to date.
1411 The printed from date must be greater than or equal to the created from date.
1412 The printed to date must be greater than or equal to the printed from date.
1413 The received from date must not be greater than the received to date.
1414 The received to date must be greater than or equal to the received from date.
1415 Invalid number of copies. Please re-enter.
1416 Please enter criteria before running the report.
1417 This assessment does not exist. Please re-enter.
1418 This taxpayer number does not exist.
1419 Please enter the number of copies wanted.
1420 Error creating parameter list.
1421 This establishment number does not exist.
1422 This doc_state_no does not exist.
1423 This ta file no does not exist.
1424 This assess_no does not exist.
1425 This tax_period_no does not exist.
1426 This letter_no does not exist.
1427 This doc_type_no does not exist.
1428 This taxpayer no. does not exist.
1429 Invalid document type. Please re-enter.
1430 Invalid document state. Please re-enter.
1431 This tax division does not exist.
1432 Please provide form no.
1433 This tax type,form no. and form title does not exist.
1434 No form available for this tax type.
1435 This tax period type does not exist.
1436 You cannot delete the tax period while a dependent tp install rate exists.
1437 You cannot delete a tax period while a dependent tax sub transaction exists.
1438 You cannot delete a tax period while a dependent annual/monthly reconciliation exists..
1439 You cannot delete a tax period while a dependent document exists.
1440 You cannot delete a tax period while a dependent assessment exists.
1441 You cannot delete a tax period while a dependent arrears transaction exists.
1442 The query of a tax period must be in the context of the form version.
1443 The year and month of the tax period must be greater than or equal to the form effective date.
1444 This period already exists for the specified form.
1445 The start date of the tax period must be greater than or equal to the form effective date.
1446 The year must be of this YYYY format.
1447 This period already exists for the specified tax type.
1448 The month must be in the (1 - 12) range.
1449 The query of an inactive period must be in the context of the tax account.
1450 The start date is required for the calendar year.
1451 The start date must be after the end date.
1452 The end date must be after the start date of this form existing period.
1453 This Approved by does not exist.
1454 The start date/year must be for the year specified in tax period year.
1455 This What to exempt does not exist.
1456 This type of inactivity does not exist.
1457 The end date is required for the calendar year.
1458 No primary key has been row found for the value in inact_type_no.
1459 The end date must be after the start date.
1460 No primary key row has been found for the value in exemp_type_no.
1461 The due date is required for the calendar year.
1462 The due date must be after the end date.
1463 The period specified overlaps an existing inactivity period.
1464 This Due date falls on a Saturday.
1465 This Due date falls on a Sunday.
1466 A start date in the past cannot be updated.
1467 This Due date falls on a holiday.
1468 The start date may not be updated to a date in the past.
1469 This tax period date base does not exist.
1470 An end date in the past cannot be updated.
1471 This imposition base does not exist.
1472 An end date may not be updated to a date in the past.
1473 No primary key row has been found for the value in imposition_base_no.
1474 No primary key row has been found for the value in tper_type_no.
1475 No primary key row has been found for value in tp_date_base_no.
1476 The issued date must be today, or earlier.
1477 The issued date must be earlier, or equal to the start date.
1478 This document number does not exist.
1479 The document selected must refer to the same tax type as the tax account.
1480 The document selected must be a letter.
1481 You cannot delete a tax type while a dependent tax type penalty exists.
1482 You cannot delete a tax type while a dependent tax type interest exists.
1483 You cannot delete a tax type while a dependent tax type imposition base exists.
1484 This is the last record.
1485 This letter type does not exist.
1486 No list values are available on this item. Use the list of values on tax type.
1487 No primary key row has been found for the value in let_type_no.
1488 A row already exists with the same letter no.
1489 The global tax division has not been found.
1490 Please enter the start date before the end date.
1491 Error: unable to call form.
1492 Error: unable to call module "p_module_name".
1493 A row already exists with same tax type and imposition base.
1494 Do you want to save the changes you have made?
1495 No taxpayer exists with this tax_payer_no.
1496 The taxpayer no. does not exist.
1497 The start date must be equal to or earlier than the end date.
1498 The end date must be equal to or later than the start date.
1499 The start date must be equal or earlier than the end date.
1500 You must specify a tax type before running this report.