Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Print a tax account transfer history

This part of the guide explains how to print a tax account transfer history.

SIGTAS allows the user to view and print the history of tax account transfers with the Print history button available on the pages Transfer Tax Accounts (503:3025) and Transfer Taxpayers (503:3030).

The following example demonstrates how to print the history of the tax account transfers on the Transfer Tax Accounts (503:3025) page. This procedure is standardized and applies also to the printing of the tax account transfer history on the Transfer Taxpayers (503:3030) page.

Step 1- Go to the page Transfer Tax Accounts

  1. Go to the Tax Account module;
  2. Choose the Transfer Taxpayers option;
  3. Click on the Transfer Tax Accounts menu. This action opens the Transfer Tax Accounts (503:3025) page;

Step 2 - Print tax account transfer history

  1. Click the Print history button. This action confirms the selection and redirects you to the interactive report Transfer History of Tax Accounts (503:2028). To know how to generate and print interactive reports, click on the following link: Interactive Reports.