Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Interactive reports

Workflow provides users with a series of interactive reports allowing them to generate data based on the selected parameters. The selection criteria available in Workflow are used to generate several report versions, based on sorting and filters. The user can also select the report format as well as the number of lines per page and display the desired number of columns, configure their own report parameters and save the results in CSV, HTML or even PDF formats. The user accesses interactive reports either through the Reports menu or via Workflow functionalities. The interactive reports displayed in Workflow are all identical in format. In summary,

  • Searching within reports is carried out using the magnifying glass and/or the text field;
  • The Actions button allows, among other things, to add filters, select the format, download the report, etc.;
  • The columns display the applicable criteria via sorting and/or a text field. They may also display hyperlinks to other web pages;
  • The pen (edit) icon allows you to edit the contents of pages or pop-ups.

The following sections describe the procedures for viewing and printing an interactive report. The following three types of reports are made available by Workflow to the user:

  • List of Tasks;
  • List of procedures;
  • View Procedures on Hold.

They are available from the Reports menu on the System Administrator Dashboard and Supervisor Dashboard. To access the details of a feature, drag the mouse over the title of the feature and use the left button to expand its description.

   Accessing interactive reports
   Customizing a report
   Displaying report data
   Downloading a report
   Saving and displaying a report