Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 4101 to 4200

The following table displays error message codes from 4101 to 4200.

Message Code Description
4101 Enter the letter title.
4118 This operation is completed.
4119 You cannot retrieve a current transaction date.
4120 This taxpayer type does not exist.
4124 The tax account installment frequency is unknown or not matching for the selected installment year.
4140 You cannot delete an objection while a dependent objection officer exists.
4141 You cannot delete an objection while a dependent objection step exists.
4142 A row already exists with the same an objection no.
4143 A row already exists with the same start date,rra employee no. and objection no.
4144 The "fiscal year" date base is invalid when the tax period is not fiscal.
4145 The batch has no due date.
4149 A row already exists with the same objection no and objection step no.
4150 No document of this type objection exists for this taxpayer.
4151 No document of this type objection exists for this taxpayer with the specified tax type.
4152 No objection/letter document exists for this taxpayer.
4153 This document no. is not of this type objection.
4154 No objection/s exists for the specified taxpayer.
4155 No objection/s exists for this tax account.
4156 The status should be set to finish, since the closed date is specified.
4157 The entered date is later than the objection entry date.
4158 The closed date is earlier than the objection entry date.
4159 A value is required for reassessment.
4160 Enter the new assessment no.
4161 Enter the text of the objection.
4162 Enter an assessment no.
4163 The entered date is missing.
4164 Please enter a decision date.
4165 The close date should be later than the decision date.
4166 The entered date should be greater than the document created date.
4167 At least one officer has a null end date.
4168 At least one officer has a start date later than the closed date.
4169 Enter the closed date before setting the status to Closed.
4170 This objection status description does not exist.
4171 The query of an objection must be in the context of a document.
4172 The insertion of an objection must be in the context of a document.
4173 No assessments are available for this tax account.
4174 The objection status description does not exist.
4175 No reassessment/s exists for this tax account in this tax period.
4176 This establishment no. does not exist.
4177 The objection status should be set to open for a new objection.
4178 The closed date is ahead of the current date.
4179 At least one officer has a missing end date.
4180 Please enter the result information first.
4181 The closed date should be greater than the sent date for the objection step.
4182 The closed date should be greater than the decision date.
4183 An objection document is required to create this objection.
4184 This officer is already assigned to this objection case.
4185 The query of an objection officer must be in the context of an objection.
4186 The insertion of an objection officer must be in the context of an objection.
4187 The start date must be earlier than the objection entry date.
4188 The entered date must be earlier than the objection entered date.
4189 These objection step description and objection step days do not exist.
4190 The query of an objection step must be in the context of an objection.
4191 The insertion of an objection step must be in the context of an objection.
4192 No tax account exists for this taxpayer.
4193 The objection no. does not exist.
4194 The taxpayer no/document no. is required.
4195 A document no./tax account details is required.
4196 Invalid value. Please enter y or n.
4197 The employee name is required.
4198 The entered date of the document is earlier than sent date.
4199 The result is required.
4200 The result date is earlier than the objection entered date.