Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 8101 to 8200

The following table displays error message codes from 8101 to 8200.

Message Code Description
8101 A project must be attached to at least one product.
8102 You cannot update %1 while depend2nt %2 exist.
8103 Enter one grace period either in months or in days (not both).
8104 A payment transaction was found recorded for this document no. You may print the original receipt.
8105 The calculated amount is different than the entered amount. Do you want to continue?
8106 The period of certificate prescription month is not specified for this tax type.
8107 The value cannot be changed. This aster code is already associated with a treasury regional office.
8108 An aster code is already linked to a payment location for the same period.
8109 You must enter the detail section before saving the main section.
8110 The payment type is not a cdd.
8111 The reference no has already been used. Please use a different reference or modify the existing one.
8112 The value cannot be changed. An aster code is already associated with a collection location.
8113 The value cannot be changed. An aster code is already associated with a tax type account.
8114 There must be only one active GL code by tax type, tax transaction type and licence based on.
8115 Only one active licence can be chargeable.
8116 You cannot create a certificate here. The approved amount must be entered for this refund no.
8117 The cashier's name cannot be empty.
8118 The disbursement quantity must not be greater than the cashed quantity minus the float in quantity.
8119 Warning! the collection location not correspond to the one in the tax account of the taxpayer.
8120 The balance to be refunded is incorrect.
8121 Please, enter the maximum amount for the exoneration.
8122 The maximum amount cannot be lower than the minimum amount.
8123 The rate value must be comprised between 0 and 100.
8124 Invalid date range for the next due date.
8125 Invalid date range for the transaction date.
8126 Warning! the collection location not corresponds to the one in the establishment specified.
8127 For exemption entry, the visa no and visa date are both required.
8128 The amount cannot exceed the exoneration amount allowed for this project.
8129 This document is related to a consolidated form. Use the capture consolidated remittance screen.
8130 You can only enter a value in modification mode.
8131 You have entered a project number not registered in SIGTAS.Do you want to continue?
8132 The cumulative from date must be earlier than the date entered in the field 'date from'.
8133 The tax type of this remittance does not match the tax type associated to this batch.
8134 Warning! more than one account is active for this period. Please close or suspend an account.
8135 Last detail record ! if you want to delete this payment location, delete it in the main section.
8136 The remittance period is on role. Please attach a tax type to the batch.
8137 Warning! the assessment notice must be approved before printing.
8138 Only one of dependent type or marital status may be entered.
8139 At least one of dependant type or marital status must be entered.
8140 The next number was taken by a no-limit project.the next available no has been given to this project.
8141 The role has to be printed before the assessment notice.
8142 The cabinet order cannot be generated because there are no assessment in the chosen batch.
8143 You cannot discard this document while a dependent assessment notice(s) is not discarded yet.
8144 An amount less than the minimum is allowed (see VAT rules settings).
8145 You cannot modify an assessment while a cabinet order has been printed.
8146 You cannot create a reassessment while an assessment notice/ cabinet order/ tax role detail and summary are not printed.
8147 The cabinet order corresponding to this batch has been printed. This batch no. is closed.
8148 You cannot delete this element type while an immediate assessment fee exists.
8149 A record with the same tax transaction type already exists.
8150 You must enter a TIN or a name.
8151 The batch number is required since the tax period is set to be on role.
8152 Printing not allowed : there should be a positive amount due.
8153 A rate should be specified.
8154 A base amount should be specified.
8155 The amount withheld should be specified.
8156 The amount withheld is different than the base amount multiplied by the rate.
8157 You cannot create a tax account while %1 tax account is not created yet.
8158 You must specified a credit source type.
8159 A year or a range of dates must be entered before proceeding.
8160 A cabinet order has already been printed.
8161 A record already exists for this withholdee and this compensation type.
8162 This period is invalid for the fiscal period specified.
8163 Do you really want to replace the existing head office by this establishment?
8164 A compensation type must be specified.
8165 A marital status must be specified.
8166 The submitted family divider must be specified.
8167 The benefits not taxable must be specified.
8168 The transfer must be done.
8169 Please specify a village.
8170 Please specify a city.
8171 Please specify an invoice number.
8172 No criteria: all tax accounts will be listed.
8173 You cannot delete this record.
8174 The cancel date must be equal or greater than the voucher date and voucher deposit date.
8175 The summary files for assessment calculation by tax division will be created. Do you want to continue?
8176 No default directory is specified in the country specific screen.
8177 No separator specified in the country specific screen.
8178 Warning! the collection location does not correspond to the one in the establishment's licence.
8179 To submit calculation, you must have the role "role_supervisor".
8180 To run cabinet order, you must have the role "role_supervisor".
8181 To print role, you must have the role "role_supervisor".
8182 You cannot enter a period range if the letter type is "late payment".
8183 The entered truncation type does not exist.
8184 The audit program number has changed. Do you wish to continue?
8185 The number of remittances entered field is mandatory for tax types that are not licences.
8186 The total of both fees cannot be over 999 999 999 999. Please reduce the current fees.
8187 The batch state must be "opened" to create notices.
8189 Some properties have many active parts. These will need to be modified. Do you wish to continue?
8190 The minimum longitude must be less than or equal to the maximum.
8191 The minimum latitude must be less than or equal to the maximum.
8192 The batch status must be "Closed" to print notices.
8193 You must print a receipt or enter a manual receipt number before saving.
8194 You must take the file from the %1 folder.
8195 Please use the list of values.
8196 An estimated assessment for taxes on roll is created in batch mode only.
8197 The entered turnover range overlaps the turnover range of an existing record.
8198 This version of the tax form has no lines yet. Enter the form lines first.
8199 There already exists a batch for the selected period of installment.
8200 Please specify a code.