Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 2301 to 2400

The following table displays error message codes from 2301 to 2400.

Message Code Description
2301 No asl_sumitted amount for this assessment no.
2302 No asl_assessed amount for this assessment no.
2320 This bank_no. does not exist.
2321 This payment type no. does not exist.
2322 This payment location no. does not exist.
2323 Please enter the tax type before continuing.
2324 The period does not exist.
2325 This int_no. does not exist.
2326 This pen_no. does not exist.
2327 This reverse_trans_no. does not exist.
2328 This taxtr_com_no. does not exist.
2329 This month, year does not exist.
2330 If the transaction is not against opening arrears, enter a tax period.
2331 Missing establishment, clear record and please re-enter.
2332 Missing licence base, clear record and please re-enter.
2333 Please enter the amount to transfer.
2334 Transfer is.
2335 The available balance to transfer is
2336 You cannot transfer to the same assessment/tax account.
2337 You cannot transfer to the same tax account with the same or no tax period.
2338 The transaction date cannot be later than the current date.
2339 Please enter a transaction date.
2340 Please enter a tax transaction type before continuing.
2341 Missing establishment. Please enter.
2342 Missing license base. Please enter.
2343 Please enter a tax type before continuing.
2344 Would you like to transfer this amount to another tax account belonging to this taxpayer?
2345 Would you like to transfer from this tax account again?
2346 Do you want to save this transaction?
2347 Do you want to create another transaction for this tax account?
2348 Do you want to save these transactions?
2349 The start date of employment must be after the enterprise registration date.
2350 The start date must be after the taxpayer birth date.
2351 This taxpayer is already employed by this employer.
2352 The employment period must be expired before the start date of the new employment period.
2353 A row already exists with the same taxpayer no. and start date.
2354 You cannot delete a taxpayer while a dependent tax account exists.
2355 You cannot delete a taxpayer while a dependent annual pay employee exists.
2356 You cannot delete a taxpayer while a dependent document exists.
2357 You cannot delete a taxpayer while a dependent taxpayer exists.
2358 You cannot delete a taxpayer while a dependent ownership exists.
2359 You cannot delete a taxpayer while a dependent file exists.
2360 You cannot delete a taxpayer while a dependent establishment exists.
2361 You cannot delete a taxpayer while a dependent enterprise inactive period exists.
2362 A row already exists with the same taxpayer no.
2363 This batch user no. does not exist.
2364 A row already exists with the same taxpayer no., and start date.
2365 You cannot delete an assessment while a dependent tax sub tranaction exists.
2380 Notices have not been created yet.
2381 Printing notice...
2382 Error printing notice.
2383 Printing complete...
2384 The creation job has been submitted.
2385 The creation job is complete.
2386 Only y or n are the allowable values.
2400 You cannot print summary reports. The penalties have not yet been calculated.