Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Display task details

This segment of the guide explains how to view the details of a particular task. This functionality is available from the Current Task (Current Task column) To Do Task (To Do Task column) hyperlinks on the Update Procedure Priorities and Deadlines (604:1009) and List of Tasks (604:2014) pages. The example used in this guide shows how to view the details of a task from the page List of Tasks in the Assignation of Tasks section. The same procedure applies to view the details of a task from the Update Procedure Priorities and Deadlines page.

Step 1 - Go to the List of Tasks page
  1. Click on the Functionalities arrow;
  2. Click on Assignations of Tasks. This action opens the page List of Tasks (604:2014).

Step 2 – Display the details of a particular task
  1. Find the task to display;
  2. Click on the hyperlink of the task that is the subject of the request (To Do Task column). This action opens the pop-up window View details of a task;