Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 10101 to 10200

The following table displays error message codes from 10101 to 10200.

Message Code Description
10101 If the rate type is flat, only one record per effective date can be created.
10102 This taxpayer cannot occupy more than one property at a time.
10103 This taxpayer already is an occupant of a property.
10104 The %1 must be larger or equal to the %2.
10105 This value is already used for the %1.
10106 The start date cannot be in the past.
10107 Only one of the flags: "property transfer tax" or "property tax" flag can be checked.
10108 The end date should not be null.
10109 The end date cannot be in the future.
10110 This property id with %1 already exists. Do you want to add next available number?
10111 You cannot assign %2 because exemption case exists for %1.
10112 This property-part is attached to a property. Please detach before continuing.
10113 An history record must be created before saving this new property-part.
10114 At least one history record must exist for this property-part.
10117 Please enter necessary information in field %1.
10118 This property part cannot be deleted.
10119 You must delete the property-part's history before deleting the property-part.
10120 You do not have the rights to delete this property-part.
10121 You cannot enter property information on this screen.
10122 For a property, you must set installments and refund against installments to 'n'.
10123 A representative has already been set as c/o. Would you like to change the c/o?.
10124 You cannot have more than one declared owner per case.
10125 This declared owner already exists on an active case.
10126 Dates of %1 cannot overlap.
10127 Do not forget to enter a history.
10128 The effective date must be greater or equal to the today's date.
10129 You cannot set the next taxable value because this property-part is not attached to a property.
10131 This form cannot be printed by SIGTAS.
10132 Enter %1.
10133 You cannot submit this job again.
10134 Submit time should be at least 20 minutes ahead of the current time.
10135 Warning : property with a property-part not yet approved.
10136 Property-part without a valid history.
10137 Incomplete value for property.
10138 Warning : taxable value effective date in the future.
10139 There is no valid property-part to process.
10140 The rate scale has not been found for one property-part on property.
10141 The best use has not been defined.
10142 You can only enter an assessment number of a property.
10143 The peer group has not been defined for the tax on property-part.
10144 The style has not been defined for the tax on property-part.
10145 The material has not been defined for the tax on property-part.
10146 The region type has not been defined for the tax on property-part.
10147 The tax rate has not been found for the tax on property-part.
10148 There are no valid rules for the exemption case.
10149 Warning : exemption on property must be based on the property value.
10150 Exemption case without a rate.
10151 Exemption case without a rate scale.
10152 This property doesn't exist anymore.
10153 The effective history for this property doesn't exist.
10154 No demand notice has been produced. You cannot issue a reassessment.
10155 The property part on exemption case is not effective.
10156 This property has no owner.
10157 Over 1000 properties have been rejected.
10158 Warning: exemption cannot be applied on the case.
10160 A credit source type should be entered for this transaction.
10161 This credit source type does not exist.
10162 This taxpayer owes outstanding arrears on property tax.
10163 There are no %2%1 created.
10164 This ird value ref no already exist for this property-part. Enter a unique value.
10165 You cannot %1 a %2 to this property since it is closed.
10167 Property id does not exist.
10168 The effective date should be <= sysdate.
10169 Either the property id or the mcv must be entered.
10170 At least one of the following must be entered : valuation list type, property id.
10171 This taxpayer is not an owner of this property for this effective date.
10172 This taxpayer does not own a property for this effective date.
10173 This %2 does not exist.
10174 Either the property value type or the mcv must be entered.
10175 At least one of the following must be entered: property value type, computation method.
10176 You cannot have more than one entry if %1 is not specified.
10177 The property's %1 not synchronized with the computation method.
10178 No changes are allowed. Press the Change Criteria button or clear the form in order to modify the search.
10179 There must be one value type set as default generation value. Please contact the system administrator.
10180 This computation method cannot be deleted.
10181 At least a property id must be entered in order to open the 'compute value' screen.
10182 The property must be effective at the creation of the value.
10183 If the method value above is 'sum', you cannot enter 'percentage' or 'residual'.
10184 There is already one part at this level with method %1 'residual'.
10185 Warning: the %1 total percentage of the same level parts will exceed 100.
10186 The effect of this history stops on 'efective date' due to the existence of another history.
10187 No property is related to this owner for this effective_date.
10188 This action will remove the calculation method on the assessed value of the property. Please configure a new method.
10189 You cannot delete this computation method. A %1 has been produced whth it.
10190 You must enter a %1 %2 to perform a query.
10191 The property-part must be active to enter a new value. Please check the status of the property-part.
10192 At least one synchronization should be checked.
10193 Only one synchronization should be checked at a time.
10194 Do you want to update the synchronization of the property_type no.
10195 Only one type can have a default generated value checked.
10196 Only one property and service grouping can have a default sum size checked.
10197 You cannot have two effective property owner at the same time. Please close one.
10198 This owner id cannot be used on more than one property. Please create a new property owner.
10199 The record cannot be deleted. %1.
10200 All related report parameters will be erased. Do you really wish to delete this report module?