Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 30401 to 30500

The following table displays error message codes from 30401 to 30500.

Message Code Description
30401 An %1 cannot be added or dissociated since the collection case is suspended.
30402 The assessment is linked to an enrolled batch. The assessment notice cannot be printed individually.
30403 This action will also suspend the associated payment agreement. Do you want to continue?
30404 You cannot update this element type while an immediate assessment fee exists.
30405 A payment agreement cannot be created. The capacity to recover of the collection case being "Suspended" or "Uncollectable".
30406 The start date must be equal or prior to the oldest immediate assessment date: %1.
30407 The end date must be equal or greater to the newest immediate assessment date: %1.
30408 This action will also reopen the associated payment agreement. Do you want to continue?
30409 Only one of the fields can be entered: "Proportional Fee Rate (%)" or "Fixed Amount".
30410 You cannot delete this representative because a dependent transfer exists.
30411 Your payment should be equal to the amount reported on your recovery order.
30412 The payment agreement status cannot receive the value "Open" or "Paid Off", the collection case having the status "Suspended".
30413 The end date must be greater to the newest transfer date where this representative was involved: %1.
30414 Please enter a value in the field "%1" under the tab "%2" before canceling the refund.
30418 Please fix the errors before proceeding.
30419 According to the configuration, you are not authorized to transfer this taxpayer.
30420 The modification of an inactivity period case may result on a recalculation of assessments and regeneration of assessment notices. Are you sure you want to save these changes?
30421 You cannot modify this inactivity period case because assessment(s) already exist(s) for this period. Assessment(s): %1.
30422 You cannot modify this inactivity period case because it is related to a tax period that is enrolled.
30423 The transaction date cannot be earlier than the document creation date: %1.
30424 The Collection Notice is already paid.
30425 This button can only be clicked once at least one correction has been made.
30426 The refund will be reversed, and all its transfers, if any. Do you want to continue?
30427 You cannot delete master record when matching detail records exist.
30428 This serial number was previously assigned to the weapon ID %1.
30429 The manufacture year must be between the start date and the end date of the model.
30430 Not all items have been entered. Are you sure you want to process this batch?
30432 The fiscal roll must be at the status "Opened" for a batch to be %1.
30433 %1 must be greater than or equal to %2 of all steps.
30434 There is no step result to approve.
30435 All steps must have a result date before approving.
30436 The Objection case should be approved before to close the case.
30437 This weapon has not been returned to the gunsmith, a "Return to gunsmith" will be automatically registered by the system before proceeding with the ownership transfer. Are you sure you want to continue?
30438 You cannot apply this penalty for %1 penalty type.
30439 If Yes, this penalty is applied only if the declaration is filed late AND the total due is not paid in full at time of filing. If paid in full when filed, then this LatePay penalty is not charged. Applies only if the penalty is a Late-Payment type.
30440 The amount you have entered is higher than the amount assessed. Do you want to continue?
30441 The start date must be greater than the current owner start date.
30442 Do you want to save the payment agreement? It will not be possible to change the calendar when it is saved.
30444 Add an extra day to a delayed application.
30445 You can't change the tax division as there is at least one active remittance linked to this tax account. You must discard those remittances first.
30446 %1 is too long.
30447 You cannot check "%1" with any "%2".
30448 You cannot check "Extra day" with "After Filing Due Date" and "Interest".
30449 When an "%1" is checked, you must enter a delayed Application (Day or Month).
30450 The status of the document cannot be changed because the Fiscal Role doesn't exist.
30451 The end date cannot be before %1.
30452 The start date cannot be after %1.
30453 Please enter one of the following fields: %1 or %2.
30454 The end date must be before or equal %1.
30455 The start date must be after or equal %1.
30456 You cannot modify the plan's year as long as a verification group is associated to it.
30457 This motor vehicle has not been returned to the dealer, a "Return to dealer" will be automatically registered by the system before proceeding with the ownership transfer. Are you sure you want to continue?
30458 New Owner without a Firearm Tax Account.
30459 The initial owner does not have a firearm tax account. To make the transfer possible, the tax account has to be created manually.
30460 For a penalty with the flag "%1" checked, this value is required: "%2".
30461 For a penalty with the flag "%1" checked, filing and payment due dates must be the same. Calculation ended for this penalty type.
30462 For this penalty, the tax type must be VAT (tax type reference = "Value Added Tax").
30463 If Yes, apply this penalty on the reduction or cancellation of VAT credit.
30465 A reassessment has already been issued but has not been paid.
30466 The negotiated amount field needs to be filled with a positive value.
30468 Only one action can be selected for the same record.
30469 You cannot select both "After Print Assm. Notice" and "After Reass. Notice". Please choose only one.
30470 A tax type that has a penalty using the rule "Penalty applied on charge (late pay for late filing)", must not have any other late-payment penalties.
30471 You cannot select both "After Reass. Notice" and "After Estim. Assm. Notice". Please choose only one.
30472 An adjustment already exists for this tax account and tax period.
30473 You can select "After Print Assm. Notice" or "After Estim. Assm. Notice" only if if there is a value in "Delayed Application" and no value in "Grace Period".
30474 This objection case cannot be deleted. At least one manual or transfer transaction is linked to it.
30475 The tax account does not exist or is inconsistent with one or more of the following fields: TIN, tax type, tax division.
30476 This document type cannot be sent electronically.
30477 The message was not sent because the taxpayer is not active.
30478 Please enter a market value first.
30479 The description of the audit step must be unique.
30480 The order step must be unique.
30481 The prorata for this %1 could not be calculated.
30482 You cannot have the same document twice in an audit step.
30483 At least one checkbox must be checked.
30484 You cannot delete a prorata formula while a dependent form line exists.
30485 You cannot print remittances for this taxpayer as it is not attached to your tax division.
30486 At least one document of type "%1" must be attached to this audit step before updating the end date.
30487 If the rule 'APPLY_PEN_AS_SOON_AS_PEN_IS_CHARGE' = 'Y', penalty order application is required.
30488 The penalty application order is required if the rule 'APPLY_PEN_AS_SOON_AS_PEN_IS_CHARGE' ='Y'.
30489 This document type cannot be deleted. At least a document of this type is associated with an audit case step.
30490 This order number is already used.
30491 The lessor cannot be a lessee at the same time.
30492 A rental local cannot be rented or sublet twice for the same period.
30493 Sub rental period overlaps with an existing sub rental period.
30494 This document cannot be used anymore because the tax account has been deleted.
30495 A payment with an immediate assessment notice is not allowed via bank interface.
30496 The end date is equal or later than the current date. If you save this date, you will no longer be able to add shareholders. Are you sure you want to save these changes?
30497 The file size must not exceed 100 KB.
30498 The field %1 must contain a date in order to be able to process this batch.
30499 Creation of remittances is not allowed for this tax period.
30500 Unexpected value for %1.