Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 7301 to 7400

The following table displays error message codes from 7301 to 7400.

Message Code Description
7301 Enter the payment date.
7303 Check this box if penalties and interest are to be charged for installments.
7304 Fixed rate for secondary employers.
7305 When checked, the deductions amount will be subtracted from salaries.
7306 When checked, other taxable income must be added to salaries to determine taxable income.
7307 Check this box if the taxpayer to whom the amount will be transferred to must be an employee.
7308 Check this box to select family divider.
7309 Check this box to select married women dependent.
7310 When checked, the compensation type rate will replace proportional rate.
7311 When checked, only basic information will be displayed in PAYE tab.
7312 Enter the tax type that the amounts will be transferred to.
7313 Enter the form number that the amounts will be transferred to. A list of values is available.
7314 Enter the version no. of the form to transfer the amounts to. A list of values is available.
7315 Enter a tax period for the tax type to transfer to. A list of values is available.
7316 Enter the name of the batch job.
7317 Enter the year of the tax budget. A list of values is available.
7318 Enter the grace period primary key sequence.
7319 Enter the grace period in days.
7320 Enter the grace period in months.
7321 When checked, this grace period apply for interest.
7322 When checked, this grace period apply for penalty.
7323 When checked, this grace period apply for refund interest.
7324 Enter a start date.
7328 This assessment no. does not belong to the current taxpayer.
7329 Enter the tax type description.
7330 Enter the imposition base description.
7331 Enter the tax type. A list of values is available.
7332 Check the box if this tax type is a license.
7333 Check the box if this tax type uses the "criteria" screens (usually remains unchecked).
7334 Check the box if this tax type uses the "rate zone criteria".
7335 Check the box if this tax type is a consolidated tax type.
7336 Check the box if this is a taxable object.
7337 Check the box if this type of tax is an installment for another tax type.
7338 Check the box if this tax type has a refund by default (currently not used by SIGTAS).
7339 Check the box if is a VAT. Note: Only one tax type can be a VAT.
7340 Check the box if this tax type is to be displayed on the management reports.
7341 Check the box if the revenue code is needed for this tax type.
7342 Check the box if a tax account is against a tax account.
7343 If selected, the tax type uses loss/depreciation carry-forward/carry-backward.
7345 Check the box if a refund request form is required.
7346 Check the box if a period from which a refund will be given must be specified.
7347 Check the box if it is a minimum refundable amount after transfers.
7348 Check the box if payment is issued by an external body.
7349 Check the box if paid by certificate.
7350 Check the box if this tax type uses installments by default.
7351 The taxpayer requests only electronic documents. Do you wish to print a hardcopy?
7352 Enter the country no.
7353 Enter the country name.
7354 Enter the country code.
7355 Enter the province name.
7356 Enter the parish name code.
7357 Enter the province name code.
7358 The first 12 digits are sequentially generated by SIGTAS upon saving. The last 4 digits refer to the sequential number of the user's Tax Division.
7359 Enter the minimum amount of penalty to be charged.
7360 Enter a description of the line total type.
7361 Check this box if this penalty is to be charged only once for any tax type attached to this penalty.
7362 Select Y if a penalty is applied even if the balance is 0; N otherwise.
7363 Enter a value for use scale days.
7364 Enter a value for Keep if Reassesss.
7365 Select Y - if difference between previous and current; N otherwise.
7366 Percentage difference before a penalty is applied.
7367 Select Y - if the penalty will not apply if reassessment is revised by the taxpayer; N otherwise.
7368 Select Y - if the penalty will apply on difference with original assessment; N otherwise.
7369 Charge to estimated Assessment (Y/N).
7370 Key of the penalty scale table.
7371 The rate goes into effect starting at this number of days: DD/MM.
7372 The rate goes into effect starting at this number of months.
7373 The rate of the penalty (percentage).
7374 This end range amount of the turnover.
7375 Checked of the range is for large taxpayer unit only.
7376 Enter the amount for this turnover range.
7377 The number of months to look back for subsequent violation.
7378 The number of violation range starts.
7379 The number of violation range end.
7380 Multiply the normal rate by this value if the number of violations in the past month occurs.
7381 Enter the year: YYYY.
7382 Enter the date of the holiday: DD-MM.
7383 Enter the description of the holiday.
7384 Enter the city/rural commune name.
7385 Enter the district name extra.
7386 Enter the city/rural commune name code.
7387 Enter the region name. A list of values is available.
7388 Enter a value for the no.
7389 Enter a value for the description.
7390 Enter a value for the line total type of declaration.
7391 Enter a value for the line total type of carry-forward.
7392 Request type.
7393 Taxpayer type.
7394 Document type.
7395 Enter the letter type.
7396 Enter the table name used in SIGTAS.
7397 Enter the document type.
7398 Enter a value for the report name.
7399 Enter the enterprise activity.