Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Link an interest rate to a tax type - Configuration details

This page displays configuration details about linking interest rates to tax types.

Interest Rate/Tax Type pop-up window

Screen Name Page
Interest Rate/Tax type 509:15151
Type Name Details
Field Tax type The tax type for which the interest is configured.
A LoV is available from the List of Tax Types (509:2231) screen.
Field Interest The interest rate to be applied to this type of tax. The rate was set up in the page Interest Rate (509:15141).
A LoV is available from the List of Interest Rates (509:15140) screen.
Field Start Date The date on which this interest rate should start being applied.
Date picker.
Field End Date The date on which this interest rate should cease to be applied.
Date picker
Validation rules:
End Date should be >= Start Date, otherwise an error message is raised -1818 “Start date must be earlier than end date.”
Field Based On In case of a tax type based on a licence, this field identifies the base of the licence.
A LoV is available from the List of Licence Bases (509:16430) page.
The LoV is restricted to licence bases of the selected tax type, that are active between Start Date and End Date.
Field Refund Interest Grace Period (in Days) The number of days allowed after the refund due date before the interest rate is applied.
Note: Cannot be negative but can be zero. Interest cannot start prior to the reception of the refund request.
Manually captured
Checkbox For Refund Selecting this checkbox indicates that this interest must be paid to the taxpayer in case a refund is not given to the taxpayer a certain number of days/months after the request.
Checkbox For Installment Selecting this checkbox indicates that this interest is integrated in the instalment calculation.
Button Save Saves the Interest Rate associated to the tax type, closes the Interest Rate/Tax Type (509:15151) popup window and redirects the user to the List of Interest Rates/Tax Type page (509:15150) which will be refreshed with the new line.
Validation rules:
(1) If more than one row with the same tax type, int. No., start date and based on, then an error message is generated -6618 “Row already exists with the tax type, int. No., start date and based on.”
(2) If the current record overlaps with an existing one, then an error message is raised -1822 “Period specified by start/end date overlaps the period of an existing record.”
(3) -1821 An interest of this type is already active on this start date.
-9183 An active Interest for refund is already selected
Button Save&Create Saves the Interest Rate associated to the tax type and keeps the user on the same window in order to be able to add new interest rates.
Same validation rules as Save button.
Button Delete Displayed only while updating an existing Interest rate.