Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Link a penalty rate to a tax type

This part of the guide explains how to link a penalty rate to a tax type.

Step 1 - Go to the page List of Interest Rates / Tax Type

  1. Go to the Administration module;
  2. Choose the Operations option;
  3. Select the Penalty/Interest Setup option;
  4. Click the Penalty Rates / Tax Type. This action opens the List of Interest Rates / Tax Type page (509:15160);

Step 2 - Link a penalty rate to a tax type

  1. Click the Create button. This action opens the Penalty Rate / Tax Type page (509:15161);
  2. Fill out the required fields (identified with a red star *). For example, Tax Type, Penalty, etc.;
  3. Click the Save button. This action links the penalty to the tax type and updates the List of Interest Rates / Tax Type page (509:15160).