Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Other Cross References

The following tables list the cross-references between the data configured in the value tables and the modules in which they are displayed. For example, the Assessment module displays the value configured in the Tax Schedules page of the Operations section. Similarly, the Collection and Refund modules show the CDD statuses configured in the CDD certificate Status page of the Base Tables section.



ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Assessment Notice Report Operations/Forms 509:16630 Assessment Module
Form Lines Operations/Forms 509:15280 Assessment Module
Form Operators Operations/Forms 509:16610 Assessment Module
Form Parameters Operations/Forms 509:15283 Assessment Module
Form Table Columns Operations/Forms 509:16620 Assessment Module
Remittance Notice Reports Operations/Forms 509:15600 Assessment Module
Tax Schedule Operations/Forms 509:15790 Assessment Module

Penalty/Interest Calculation

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Opening Arrears Penalty/Interest Calculation Summary Operations/Penalty/Interest Calculation 509:15540 Tax Account Module
Penalty and Interest Calculation Summary Operations/Penalty/Interest Calculation 509:15560 Tax Account Module
Reverse Penalty/Interest Operations/Penalty/Interest/Calculation 509:15740 Tax Account Module

Penalty/Ineterst Setup

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Create Penalty Types Operations/Penalty/Interest Setup 509:15090 Assessment and Tax Account Modules

Tax Functions

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Tax Functions Operations 509:7025 FInancial Statements Module

Bank Interface Rules

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Bank Interface Rules Rules/Configuration 509:15690 Interface Module

General Rules

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
General Rules Rules/Configuration 509:3030 Assessment, Audit, Cashing, Collection, Docs and Files, Interface, Tax Account and Tax Roll Modules

Task Type

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Job Types Rules/Configuration 509:15170 Assessment and Tax Account Modules

Letters and Reminders

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Reminder Sequences Rules/Configuration/Letters 509:15580 Letters and Reminders Module

Public Holidays

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Public Holidays Rules/ Configuration 509:15130 Assessment module

VAT Rules

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
VAT Rules Rules/Configuration 509:15360 Assessment Module

Base Tables


ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
ASTER Code Base Tables/Assessment 509:15750 Cashing Module
Project Types Base Tables/Assessment 509:4012 Assement Module
Tax Rates for Exonerated or Suspended Taxes Base Tables/Assessment 509:7014 Assessment Module


ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Audit Steps Base Tables/Audit 509:2015 Audit Module
Audit Types Base Tables/Audit 509:16010 Audit Module

Balance Sheet

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Balance Sheet Element Types Base Tables/Balance Sheet 509:8051 Financial Statements Module


ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
CDD Status Base Tables/Cashing 509:7007 Cashing and Refund Modules
Periods of Accounting Exercice Base Tables/Cashing 509:7005 Assessment Module


ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Risk Classifications Base Tables/ Collection 509:1600 Collection Module


ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Application Form Types Base Tables/Document 509:15340 Tax Roll Module
ID Types Base Tables/Document 509:15310 Tax Roll Module
Letters and Reminders Layout Base Tables/Document 509:15120 Collection and Letters and Reminders Modules
Letter Variables Base Tables/Document 509:16410 Letters and Reminders Module

Family Divider

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Family Divider Scales Base Tables/Family Divider 509:16850 Assessment and Tax Roll Modules
Family Divider Values Base Tables/Family Divider 509:15290 Assessment and Tax Roll Modules

Internal Affairs

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Department/Processing Services Base tables/Internal Affairs 509:15180 Tax Account and Tax Roll Modules
Government Fiscal Years Base tables/Internal Affairs 509:15190 Assessment Module


ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Change of Base License Base Tables/Licenses 509:7008 Assessment ane Tax Account Modules
Rate Classes Base Tables/Licenses 509:15430 Assessment ane Tax Account Modules

Misc. Base Tables

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Element Types Base Tables/Misc. Base Tables 509:16700 Assessment Module
Fiscal Regimes Base Tables/Misc. Base Tables 509:16500 Tax Roll Module
Insurance Companies Base Tables/Misc. Base Tables 509:2130 Weapon Module
Reasons Base Tables/Misc. Base Tables 509:2040 Cashing and Refund Modules

Motor Vehicles

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Motor Vehicle Body Types Base Tables/Motor Vehicles 509:6010 Motor Vehicle Module


ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Denomination Base Tables/Payment 509:15390 Cashing Module
Transaction Statuses Base Tables/Payment 509:16820 Cashing and Tax Account Modules
Transaction Types Base Tables/Payment 509:12012 Tax Account Module
Treasury Regional Offices Base Tables/Payment 509:15200 Cashing Module

Property Tax

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Cadastral Structures Base Tables/Property Tax 509:2028 Property Tax Module
Cadastral Structrures Levels Base Tables/Property Tax 509:2026 Property Tax Module
Property Values Automatic Calculation Rates Base Tables/Property Tax 509:2035 Property Tax Module
Reference Codes Base Tables/Property Tax 509:7009 Property Tax Module

Tax Agent

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Representative Reasons Base Tables/Tax Agent 509:15070 Tax Roll Module
Representative Types Base Tables/Tax Agent 509:15060 Tax Roll Module

Tax Roll

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Registration Location Base Tables/Tax Roll/Individuals 509:7002 Tax Roll Module
TIN Application Fields Base Tables/Tax Roll/individuals 509:7016 Tax Roll Module
Trade Types Base Tables/Tax Roll/Enterprises 509:7011 Tax Roll Module

Taxpayer Info

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Enterprise Activity Base Tables/Taxpayer Info/Enterprise Info 509:16862 Tax Roll Module
Enterprise Types Base Tables/Taxpayer Info/Enterprise Info 509:16810 Tax Roll Module
Individual Titles Base Tables/Taxpayer Personal Info 509:16840 Tax Roll Module
Judicial Forms Base Tables/Taxpayer Info/Enterprise Info 509:16800 Tax Roll Module
Request Types Base Tables/Taxpayer Info 509:15100 Tax Roll Module
Taxpayer Types Base Tables/Taxpayer Info 509:15000 Tax Roll Module
TIN Application Setup Base Tables/Taxpayer Info 509:15300 Tax Roll Module
VAT Taxpayer Type Base Tables/Taxpayer Info 509:16040 Tax Roll Module