Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Activities Audit module

  • Access to Audit module
    • See audit programs
      • Create audit programs
      • Assign a TIN to an audit program
      • Enter comment #1 for a TIN assigned to an audit program
      • Enter comment #2 for a TIN assigned to an audit program
      • Approval level 1 for a TIN assigned to an audit program
      • Approval Level 2 for a TIN assigned to an audit program
      • Approval of audit program
      • Assign a TIN to an approved audit program
    • See audit cases
      • See audit cases assigned to the user
        • Update Crosscheck utility/Objection & Collection probabilities
        • Manage audit tax types
        • Manage audit assessments
        • Manage audit steps
        • Manage audit step documents
        • Update audit time sheet
      • See audit cases in user's tax division
        • Create audit cases
        • Update Audit case region's other fields
        • Manage Classification Checklist
        • Manage audit officers
        • Manage audit results
        • See all audit cases
          • Update audit step's comment
    • See audit groups
    • See audit plans
    • See audit risks