Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 1801 to 1900

The following table displays error message codes from 1801 to 1900.

Message Code Description
1801 You cannot delete an interest while a dependent tax type interest exists.
1802 A row already exists with the same "Rate (%)" and "Applied to" values.
1803 No primary key row has been found for the value in int_where_no.
1804 Invalid tax account no.
1805 You cannot delete this record. A tax transactions based on this rate already exists.
1806 There are no data to print.
1807 You cannot delete this record. It is already attached to a tax type.
1808 Invalid taxpayer no.
1809 Search individual/enterprise.
1810 A row already exists with the same screen no. and screen problem no.
1811 The insertion of a screen problem must be in the context of the screen.
1812 A row already exists with the same assessment no.
1813 Please enter a tax type and/or interest no.
1814 This rate does not exist.
1815 A row already exists with the same start date and tax type no.
1816 No primary key row has been found for the value in int_no.
1817 An existing record already starts on this date for this tax type.
1818 The start date must be earlier than the end date.
1819 An interest rate is already active on this start date.
1820 Ensure that an end date earlier than 'to_char(m_start_date,'DD-mon-YYYY')' is entered.
1821 An interest of this type is already active on this start date.
1822 The period specified by the start/end date overlaps the period of an existing record.
1840 You cannot delete a form version while a dependent form line exists.
1841 A row already exists with the same operator no.
1860 You cannot delete a payment type while a dependent tax transaction exists.
1861 A row already exists with the same payment type description.
1862 You cannot delete a payment location while a dependent tax transaction exists.
1863 You cannot delete a payment location while a dependent employee exists.
1864 A row already exists with the same payment location description.
1880 A row already exists with the same assess_no, and the form_line no.
1900 A row already exists with the same assess_no, form_line_no., version_no. and form_no.