Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Confirm bank statement

This part of the guide explains how to confirm a bank statement.

To confirm a bank statement, the status must be In Progress. Once confirmed, the bank statement will have the status OK to proceed.

Step 1 - Go to the page List of Bank Statements

  1. Go to the module Interface;
  2. Open the Bank menu;
  3. Select the List of Bank Statements menu. This action opens the page List of Bank Statements (508:2010);

Step 2 - Confirm a bank statement

  1. Go to the Status field;
  2. Select the In Progress option. This action displays all bank statements with this status;
  3. Look for the appropriate statement;
  4. Click the corresponding Bank Statement no. hyperlink. This action opens the Bank Statement no. page (508:2011);

  1. Click the Confirm button. This action opens a confirmation message pop-up window;

  1. Click the Yes button. This action confirms the bank statement and changes the status to OK to proceed.