Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 30101 to 30200

The following table displays error message codes from 30101 to 30200.

Message Code Description
30101 The information must be saved in order to perform this operation.
30102 The computation status must be "Up to date" in order to create a reassessment.
30103 The assessment must be approved in order to print the notice.
30104 This assessment does not need an approbation.
30105 You already have approved this assessment.
30106 The initial assessment has been part of an audit case. Are you sure that you want to approve this reassessment generated by the taxpayer?
30107 The tax account linked to this document is closed.
30108 This document number cannot be associated with this batch.
30109 The penalty cannot be deleted because a reassessment exists. To delete the penalty use the assessment %1.
30110 The penalty cannot be deleted because the assessment has already been approved.
30111 The computation status must be "Up to date" in order to print the assessment notice.
30112 The status of the batch must be "Ready to assess" in order to print the assessment notice.
30113 This field cannot be entered for this letter type.
30114 You cannot delete a file while a dependent borrow exists.
30115 You cannot register a return, the file is not currently borrowed.
30116 This file has already been reserved for %1 on this %2. Do you want to continue?
30117 Please note that this tax account has an inactivity period for the selected period.
30118 The batch associated to the assessment has the status "%1". It must be at the status "Open" for an assessment to be captured.
30119 The field "%1" must be before or equal to the today's date.
30120 The field "%1" must be greater than or equal to the document printed date.
30121 The field "%1" must be greater than the field "%2" of the tax account.
30122 The fiels "%1" must be greater than the field "%2" of the original assessment.
30123 The field "%1" must have the value "%2" which is the date the batch was created.
30124 The field "%1" is mandatory if the field "%2" is checked.
30125 This file has been borrowed from %1 to %2, please reserve it after %2.
30126 At least one file has been created for this taxpayer that has the same Tax Type and File Year. The File Number is %1. Do you want to create a new file?
30127 The reassessment is not associated to a batch that you are the operator.
30128 All mandatory lines have not been captured. The calculation of the assessment cannot be made.
30129 The assessment %1 have mandatory lines that have not been captured. The calculation of the assessment cannot be made.
30130 This document is associated to the file %1. Do you want to continue?
30131 Please enter the enterprise type before creating any identification documents.
30133 The start date must be equal to or later than the tax account registration date.
30134 The registration date must be equal or prior to the start date of all representatives.
30135 The registration date must be equal or prior to the start date of all inactivity periods.
30136 The registration date must be equal or prior to the registration date of all associated establishments.
30137 This form is attached to a consolidated form. To print this form, use the "%1" tax type.
30138 Either the Delivered by or the Received by must be entered.
30139 The tax account tax type does not match the selected tax type.
30140 The selected tax account is not active.
30141 The tax account is not active during the selected tax period.
30142 The entered due date is different from the today's date.
30143 The field "%1" should be greater than zero.
30144 No layout has been defined for this Form and Version.
30145 The total amount due has been reduced. Do you want to continue?
30146 An assessment notice has already been generated for this taxpayer, tax type and tax period.
30147 An assessment notice has already been generated for the assessment associated with this document number.
30148 You cannot delete the licence base because a transaction already exists.
30149 The field "%1" must be greater than the field "%2".
30150 The remittances must be assigned to a batch before being captured.
30152 The estimated assessment must be assigned to a batch before being captured.
30154 The status of the batch must be "Ready to assess" to continue.
30155 This document has been fully paid.
30158 %1 has expired the %2.
30160 At least one of the assessments that this payment was used for has been reassessed. Do you still want to reverse the payment?
30161 Manual penalties are effective once it's saved. To modify a penalty, it must be reversed and created again.
30162 The payment will be reversed. Do you want to continue?
30166 %1 is not active for this tax account for the %2.
30167 You must select some %1 whom status must be change in order to use this button.
30168 You must select some %1 in order to continue.
30169 The audit plan no %1 has the same period and plan type of this audit plan. In order to save it, you must change either the period or the plan type.
30170 Some audit cases associated to this audit group are still open. These must be closed before closing the audit group.
30171 Changing the status of a discarded document is not allowed.
30172 An audit plan cannot be deleted while there are some audit types that are associated to this audit plan.
30173 An audit group cannot be deleted while there are some audit cases that are associated to this audit group.
30174 The field "%1" must be greater than the field "%2" of all the audit cases associated to this audit group.
30181 The item "%1" must be saved in order to continue.
30182 The value of the field "%1" must be between %2 and %3.
30183 The value search for the field "%1" does not exist.
30184 The item "%1" cannot be deleted cause it has never been saved.
30187 Assessment - Allows managements of remittances and assessments (in batch and per taxpayer).
30188 Docs & Files - Allows document management and report generation.
30189 Cashing - Allows registration and management of payments as a taxpayer pays taxes.
30190 Letters and Reminders - Allows generation and management of letters and reminders sent to taxpayers.
30191 Tax Account - Allows management of taxpayers tax accounts.
30192 The selected licence type is based on "Date of birth" and can be selected for individual taxpayer only.
30193 The selected licence type is not active at the licence start date.
30194 Tax Roll - Allows identification, registration and maintenance of individual and non-individual taxpayer information.
30195 Audit - Allow creation and management of audit cases.
30198 The values of the tax schedule cannot be updated because %1.