Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Export form lines on a xml file

This part of the guide explains how to export form lines on an xml file.

Once the form lines have been exported to a xml file, click the link on your computer to access the file.

Step 1 - Go to the page Form Lines

  1. Go to the Administration module;
  2. Choose the Operations option;
  3. Select the Forms option;
  4. Click the menu Form Lines menu. This action opens the Form Lines page (509:15280);

Step 2 - Export form lines on a xml file

  1. Go to the top section and choose the Form No to export on the xml file. This action updates the Form Lines page (509:15280) and displays the lines on the lower section;
  2. Click the Export to a file button. This action exports the lines of the form to a xml file.