Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Display the imported withholdings transfer status

This part of the guide explains how to display the imported withholdings transfer status.

SIGTAS allows to transfer or cancel withholdings previously imported and that must be corrected before being completely loaded. The Error status indicates to the user which withholdings with errors have been imported. The column Error/Reason displays which error type occurred during loading. Once corrected, errors can be transferred or cancelled by clicking on the Transfer or Cancel checkboxes. Once the process is confirmed, the selected items status is Loaded or Cancelled, depending on whether they have been transferred or cancelled.

Step 1 - Go to the page Imported Withholdings transfer status

  1. Go to the Interface module;
  2. Select the Withholdings menu;
  3. Click the Imported Withholdings transfer status menu. This action opens the page Imported Withholdings transfer status (508:1007);

Step 2 - Display the imported withholdings transfer status

  1. Look for the appropriate withholding transfer status.