Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 6501 to 6600

The following table displays error message codes from 6501 to 6600.

Message Code Description
6519 The tax accounts cannot yet be opened in this tax division. Please poceed to request supervisor verification.
6526 Multiple tax accounts are not allowed for this tax type.
6551 Please, assign a new plate for the vehicle.
6553 This owner does not have a tax account for the tax type selected.
6554 A licence exists for this owner and vehicle. Please close all licences.
6555 A row already exists with the same engine no.
6560 You cannot assign more than one plate for a vehicle at the same time. Please, check your dates.
6561 This record does not exist.
6562 This format is not valid.
6563 The balance due from is greater than balance due to. Please, re-enter.
6564 The closed date from is greater than closed date to. Please, re-enter.
6565 This activity sector does not exist.
6566 A row already exists with the same owner and motor vehicle.
6567 This vehicle has arrears over one (1) year. Please clear the arrears before a transfer is done.
6568 You cannot modify a tax period while a dependent assessment exists.
6569 There can only be one account holder in the same period.
6570 An account holder has not been specified for this motor vehicle during the period.
6571 An account holder has not been specified for the current period.
6572 The vehicle has been scraped.
6573 You cannot transfer the vehicle. A bank is in charge of this vehicle at the today's date.
6574 Please select a based on.
6575 Please select a letter title.
6576 Please select an owner to whom the transfer fee will be charged.
6577 This vehicle has no motor vehicle licence valid.
6578 A plate no. is not currently assigned to this vehicle.
6579 Transfer fee charged to...
6580 For motor vehicle.
6583 The query of a motor vehicle ownership must be in the context of a motor vehicle.
6584 The insertion of a motor vehicle ownership must be in the context of a motor vehicle.
6585 The assign plate is only for the owner related to the account holder.
6586 You have to specifiy a TIN or an enterprise no.
6587 Only one of TIN or enterprise no. must be entered.
6588 Please ensure that duty was paid before you transfer this vehicle.
6589 No tax type exists for this licence flag.
6590 Opening arrears or arrears exist for at least one tax type.
6591 No form exists for this tax type.
6592 Error: there is more than one line for this form.
6594 A row already exists with the same licence id.
6595 You cannot enter receipt no without a document. Please, print the notice assessment for the licence before.
6596 Tax account for excise tax has not been found.
6597 Fee charged for licence no.:
6598 Chassis no.:
6599 Plate no.: