Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 4501 to 4600

The following table displays error message codes from 4501 to 4600.

Message Code Description
4520 The name of the establishment is required.
4521 The reason is mandatory.
4540 Must be entered.
4545 This role cannot be deleted, at least one tax division is associated to it.
4546 Please enter an activity.
4560 The query of an enterprise inactive period must be in the context of an enterprise.
4561 The insertion of an enterprise inactive period must be in the context of an enterprise.
4576 This form is attached to a consolidated form. To print this form, at least one child must have a tax account.
4580 The query of an ownership must be in the context of an enterprise.
4581 For a partnership, one owner cannot own 100%.
4582 Total percentage cannot be greater than 100.
4600 This type of document is invalid. Please re-enter.