Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 2701 to 2800

The following table displays error message codes from 2701 to 2800.

Message Code Description
2701 This processing is completed.
2702 This document does not belong to the job specified.
2703 Please enter a TIN.
2704 No data has been found for printing.
2705 The batch user no. does not exist.
2706 No enterprise has been found for this taxpayer.
2707 Enter an enterprise no. or a taxpayer no. before running the report.
2708 The enterprise has not been found.
2709 You must enter a job no.
2710 No notices to print in this job.
2711 This file is currently in use by another tax officer.
2712 This file status does not exist.
2713 Starting the printing of your account statement.
2714 The printing is completed.
2715 You cannot delete an installment rate while a dependent document exists.
2716 A row already exists with the same installment rate no.
2717 The query of an installment rate must be in the context of a tax type.
2718 This installment rate already exists for this period.
2719 The letter title is not for an installment notice.
2720 Please enter either the due date interval or the due date.
2721 The installment date must be in the "DD-MM" format.
2722 A row already exists with the same tax period no. and installment rate no.
2723 Invalid value for SIGTAS.
2724 This installment rate no. does not exist.
2725 This tax period no. does not exist.
2726 The tax type description/tax period no. is required.
2727 The tax period no. is required.
2728 The installment month already exists.
2729 No form exists for the given tax type.
2730 No tax period exists for the given form within tax type.
2731 You cannot delete while a dependent document exists.
2732 The tax type description, form description and tax year are required.
2733 A row already exists with the same number of copies.
2734 Invalid tax type. Please re-enter.
2735 The personal text is required for this letter/reminder.
2736 The letter title is required.
2737 A row already exists with the same tax type no., taxation year and taxpayer no.
2738 Invalid tax year for taxpayer no./tax type/tax_centre specified.
2739 Invalid year. Year cannot be earlier than 1960.
2740 Invalid year. Please re-enter.
2741 Estimate already exists for this tax account and taxation year.
2742 A query of an estimated installment must be in the context of a tax account.
2743 A tax account no., or a taxpayer no. and tax type and tax division must be entered.
2744 The approved date cannot be earlier than 01-01-1960.
2745 The approved date cannot be after today.
2746 Invalid estimate of tax to pay.
2747 The exit date is later than the current system date.
2748 The returned date is earlier than the borrowed date.
2749 Create remittance forms have been submitted before for these criteria. Submit it again?
2750 Internal error: update the taxpayer name.
2751 The taxpayer is not registered for this tax type in this center. Please re-enter.
2752 Invalid tax year or missing tax type.
2753 The tax type, along with the taxpayer number or tax year must be entered.
2754 The tax division is missing.
2755 Missing tax type.
2756 The job number must be entered.
2757 There are no documents to be printed.
2758 Do you want to print error reports?
2759 The installment reminder notice has been sent to your default printer.
2760 An installment period is required.
2761 The tax division is required for a reminder.
2762 The reminder title, tax type, tax division, installment month and installment year are required.
2763 Time is not required for printing one installment reminder.
2764 No installment reminder notice has been generated.
2765 Invalid date: Date is later than the current date.
2766 Did not run.
2767 This tax account does not exist.
2775 Error report has been sent to the default printer.
2776 The assessment has been calculated.
2777 The printing job is over.
2778 The enterprise no. has not been found.
2779 No months available for this tax type in this year.
2780 The tax account no. and tax type do not exist.
2781 The selected month does not correspond with the months of the year.
2782 The remittance form has been sent to your default printer.
2783 Please enter a tax account.
2784 Please enter a tax year.
2785 Please enter an installment month.
2786 The tax account no. does not exist.
2787 The tax type and the tax division installment month and year are required.
2788 The request for the job no. has been submitted.
2789 Request submitted for job no.:
2790 Has started.
2791 Job nº:
2792 Starting.
2793 The "create remittance forms" batch job is completed.
2794 For tax period, the dsp_tper_year, dsp_tper_start_date, dsp_tper_end_date, due date must be entered.
2795 You cannot delete this assessment. The notice has already been printed.
2796 The "create remittance forms" batch job is submitted.
2797 The tper_month, tper_year, tper_start_date, tper_end_date do not exist.
2798 This tax account does not exist.
2799 This assessment already exists. No estimate can be created.
2800 A tax period must be entered.