Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Error Message Codes from 30601 to 30700

The following table displays error message codes from 30601 to 30700.

Message Code Description
30601 Start Date should be less than or equal to Deceased Date.
30602 This rule must be respected : Start Date <= End Date & End Date <= Deceased Date.
30603 The end date should be less than or equal to the deceased date.
30604 This rule must be respected: Start Date <= End Date & End Date<= Deceased Date.
30605 This rule must be respected: Marriage End Date >= Separation Date >= Marriage Date.
30606 The deceased date should be greater than or equal to the marriage date.
30607 This rule must be achieved: Deceased Date >= Separation Date & Separation Date >= Marriage Date.
30608 This rule must be achieved: Deceased Date >= Marriage End Date & Marriage End Date >= Marriage Date.
30609 This rule must be achieved :Deceased Date >= Marriage End Date >= Separation Date >= Marriage Date.
30610 This rule must be achieved: Marriage End Date>= Separation Date >= Marriage Date.
30611 The marriage date should be less than or equal to the deceased date.
30612 This rule must be achieved : Deceased Date >= Separation Date >= Marriage Date.
30613 This rule must be achieved : Deceased date >= Marriage End Date >= Marriage Date.
30614 The address must be complete for %1.
30615 Only one address per %1 can be entered.
30616 %1 is not valid.
30617 Error. This appln_form_id already exists.
30618 %1 must not contain letters.
30619 Invalid format for %1.
30620 You must enter at least %1 record(s) for %2.
30621 You must enter at least 1 record(s) for Address.
30622 The mailing address is mandatory.
30623 The fields should be entered: %1.
30624 %1 or place of birth should be entered.
30625 Invalid format for %1,the valid format is (999999999999.99).
30626 %1 should be entered.
30627 %1 must not be greater than current date.
30628 The register date incorrect date format entered.
30629 The commercial registration information is invalid.
30630 %1 is already registered.
30631 The main trading address is mandatory.
30632 The CAC registration information is invalid. Please verify the registration no., the registration name and the issuance date.
30633 The registered date must be less than or equal to the current date.
30634 These %1 have not complete information for %2 and/or %3 and/or %4: %5.
30635 These %1 ha ve not complete information for %2: %3.
30636 At least one %1 must be %2.
30637 This item %1 must not contain letters.
30638 %1 is already selected for another individual enterprise.
30639 This condition must be achieved: %1.
30640 Delete not allowed, there are %1.
30641 You must enter at least %1 records for %2.
30642 The registration date should be less or equal than the current date.
30643 You must provide information for the following documents: %1.
30644 You must provide information for at least one of the following documents: %1.
30645 This sequence of fields already exist.
30646 This sequence of blocks already exist.
30647 The date format is invalid.
30648 The calendar date format is invalid.
30649 %1 must be before or equal than the current date.
30650 %1 must be between 0(not included) and 100 (included).
30651 %1 must be greater than 0.
30652 You must enter at least one of these two items: %1.
30653 The total of all %1 must be less or equal to 100.
30654 Range of date overlaps or a previous period hasn't finished yet.
30655 The submission number is invalid.
30656 This TIN application number is invalid.
30657 Please choose submission number or TIN application number.
30658 This given language already exists.
30659 The email address is not valid.
30660 The new password must be longer than six characters and combine both letters and numbers.
30661 Error. This tax representative already exists. It must be unique.
30662 Only one main tax representative must be created.
30663 The expiration date must be equal or greater than the current date.
30664 This email address already exists in our system. Please choose another one.
30665 This Login Name already exists in our system. Please choose another one.
30666 The IP Adress %1 is not
30667 Login Name must have some value.
30668 Invalid Old Password.
30669 The New Password and Confirm Password must be identical.
30670 You must enter: Old Password, New Password and Confirm Password.
30671 The Old Password must be different than the New Password.
30672 The inssuance date incorrect date format entered.
30673 The expiration date incorrect date format entered.
30674 %1 must be less or equal than the current date.
30675 This value already exists for this %1. Please enter a unique value.
30676 %1, must be unique for %2.
30677 Only one document number per %1 can be entered.
30678 The length of the field %1 is incorrect.
30679 %1 must be alphanumeric.
30680 Deletion not allowed, at least one record exists for %1.
30681 Each (individual) enterprise (branch) should have one main contact.
30682 You must specify the main contact.
30683 This contact already exists.
30684 You must enter at least %1 main tax representative for this form.
30685 You must enter one main tax representative for this taxpayer.
30686 The mobile no. must not contain letters.
30687 You must enter one main tax representative for this form.
30688 The correspondence cannot be sent to a non main or an unregistered tax representative (without TIN).
30689 Each individual taxpayer should have one main income source.
30690 You must specify the main source of income.
30691 You must enter at least %1 record(s) for this form.
30692 %1 does not match format %2.
30693 An incorrect date format has been entered.
30694 %1 must be unique for the bank branch.
30695 %1 must be after or equal than %2.
30696 %1 must be before or equal than %2.
30697 %1 must be less or equal to the current date.
30698 The phone no. must not contain letters.
30699 The fax no. must not contain letters.
30700 Please be sure that the following items are entered: %1.